AMD is getting ready to add a new member to its six-core chips family as well as a new flagship quad-core and a couple more budget processors, according to a report on X-bit labs. The Phenom II X6 1075T should bridge the gap between the current 1055T and 1090T six-core parts, with a $230-240 price tag and 3GHz base clock speed. The chip will be able to go as high as 3.5GHz when AMD's Turbo Core technology kicks in, but otherwise specs should look familiar to those of its predecessors, with support for DDR3-1333 memory and a total 9MB of cache.
The forthcoming AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition should become AMD's fastest quad-core offering and will reportedly come in two flavors -- a retail boxed version based on Deneb with four cores in total, and an OEM version based on the Zosma design, which is basically a six-core Thuban chip with two disabled cores. In other words, enthusiasts should be on the lookout for the latter if they want to squeeze some extra performance by unlocking these cores.
The X4 970 will cost around $200, clocked at 3.50GHz with 8MB of cache, dual-channel DDR2/DDR3 memory support and AM3/AM2+ motherboard compatibility. Last but not least, a dual-core Phenom II X2 560 clocked at 3.30GHz, as well as a quad-core Athlon II X4 645 clocked at 3.1GHz should hit the scene with a price tag hovering around $100. If X-bit's sources are accurate, you should be able to find one of these in stores starting September 21.
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