Fastest quad-core, new six-core AMD chips in Sept. Unlock from quad to hex?


Senior member
Nov 12, 2001

AMD is getting ready to add a new member to its six-core chips family as well as a new flagship quad-core and a couple more budget processors, according to a report on X-bit labs. The Phenom II X6 1075T should bridge the gap between the current 1055T and 1090T six-core parts, with a $230-240 price tag and 3GHz base clock speed. The chip will be able to go as high as 3.5GHz when AMD's Turbo Core technology kicks in, but otherwise specs should look familiar to those of its predecessors, with support for DDR3-1333 memory and a total 9MB of cache.

The forthcoming AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition should become AMD's fastest quad-core offering and will reportedly come in two flavors -- a retail boxed version based on Deneb with four cores in total, and an OEM version based on the Zosma design, which is basically a six-core Thuban chip with two disabled cores. In other words, enthusiasts should be on the lookout for the latter if they want to squeeze some extra performance by unlocking these cores.

The X4 970 will cost around $200, clocked at 3.50GHz with 8MB of cache, dual-channel DDR2/DDR3 memory support and AM3/AM2+ motherboard compatibility. Last but not least, a dual-core Phenom II X2 560 clocked at 3.30GHz, as well as a quad-core Athlon II X4 645 clocked at 3.1GHz should hit the scene with a price tag hovering around $100. If X-bit's sources are accurate, you should be able to find one of these in stores starting September 21.
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Mar 13, 2006
It's the typical AMD 100Mhz speed bump.

Nothing to blow your load about.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2009
It's the typical AMD 100Mhz speed bump.

Nothing to blow your load about.

Other than the OEM version if you can find it from newegg or somewhere else, is Thuban with 2 cores disabled meaning the better stepping and possible unlock to hexcore. Than again it'll have the same price as a Phenom II X6 1055 so who cares. lol

I'm a fan of these typical speed bumps, don't make much difference, but they slide the price bracket downward improving stock performance.


May 22, 2007
yeah, that x4 that can be unlocked would be much better if it was a $140 or $150 cpu. as it is, why not just spend the same amount of money for the guaranteed 6 cores?


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
funny just read that on xbit while browsing. this x4 possible x6 chip could be a real bargain if unlockable, has more cache as well than a typical x4.


Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
this x4 possible x6 chip could be a real bargain if unlockable, has more cache as well than a typical x4.
But it costs the same as a real x6 (1055T). Why take the risk that it might not unlock instead of buying a real x6 and overclock it to get same/better performance than the stock x4 at 3.5?


Senior member
Jan 5, 2009
funny just read that on xbit while browsing. this x4 possible x6 chip could be a real bargain if unlockable, has more cache as well than a typical x4.

How do you figure it has more cache? Thuban still has the same 512kb L2 cache per core and 6mb shared L3 cache. The only additional cache would be what unlocks with the 2 extra cores.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
IntelUser is correct. The 8MB cache is the Total cache which is the total amount of Level 2 and L3 Caches.


Apr 27, 2000
Reportedly, the widely-unreleased 940T and 960T were terrible overclockers, especially after extra cores were unlocked. If the oem x4 970BE is the same deal then maybe you don't want it.

And I'd rather get the 95w 1055T for $190 than an x4 970BE (c3 or e0) for $200.

What we should be hoping for is a native E0-stepping quad, or something or other. E0-stepping Athlon II x4 . . . yeah, that's the ticket!


Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
It says right there in the article that is has 8mb cache
Phenom II X4 boxes have always said "8mb total cache" since they appeared. It's L2 + L3.

And I'd rather get the 95w 1055T for $190 than an x4 970BE (c3 or e0) for $200.
Absolutely. It only makes sense like that. And as I've said before, the idea that somehow the new x4 970 is a "great bargain because it can be unlocked" is ridiculous anyway, it is priced exactly the same as a hex-core, not cheaper. It only makes sense to get the 970 if one actually wants a quad-core, and not a hex - for example, gaming machines where overclocking is not an option or not wanted. In such a scenario, hands down, if it's just the stock 970 vs the stock 1055T, the 970 will be kicking ass and taking names.

Why still no TurboCORE for X4?
What I'm really disappointed about is that they chose to have the 970 BE to not inherit the TurboCORE feature. I know, it's because some of them will actually be higher-binned C3 Deneb chips instead of E stepping Thubans. I'm still disappointed anyway, I think it was a crap decision. Now we are stuck with another line of "speed bump" products where TurboCORE is still not available for quads. I can continue hoping that the next set of "speed bump" prodcuts will finally include a flagship X4 with TurboCORE, but I bet AMD will disappoint me again.


Apr 27, 2000
It's a curious decision, at best. AMD is also making it hard to get C3-stepping "budget" chips at the price points that C2 chips occupied some 6 months ago. They're mostly successful, too, except with the C3 Propus chips which are sliding into the $100 price point (which is mostly where they belong). Looks to me like they're trying to slide their major price points upward wherever they can.


Senior member
Jan 5, 2009
I see no possibility for that. I believe they are deneb with 2 cores disabled.

I don't either, it would be pure stupidity for AMD to sell X6 processors as X2. As is the only defective X6 processors will go to OEM channels as X4. I'm actually annoyed by all the unlocking hype, I hope it ends with Bulldozer and Fusion. Sick of seeing people recommend to get an X2 and unlock it instead of buying an Athlon II X4/Phenom II X4. Or the fact many people out there have been mislead into believing the chips will for sure unlock.