Faster Forums & New Subscriber Features on the Way!

Anand Lal Shimpi

Boss Emeritus
Staff member
Oct 9, 1999
It has been over one year since we launched the AnandTech Subscriber service for the AnandTech Forums. Over this past year we have seen tremendous support for the new pay services and I'd like to personally thank you all for your support. I'd like to also thank those that didn't subscribe for continuing to use the Forums as a resource despite the decreased performance and other limitations.

In celebration of the one-year anniversary of the AnandTech Subscriber service I'm pleased to announce that the regular non-subscriber forums have received a speed-boost by raising the bandwidth cap on the Forums, effective immediately. We are able to offer more bandwidth to everyone because of the support of our Subscribers, our advertisers, our host Elite Internet Communications and the 100,000+ members that are now registered to the AnandTech Forums. The Subscriber servers remain independent and uneffected by the change in bandwidth as they will still be quicker than the regular Forums.

In order to thank our subscribers for their support we will be debuting a real-time chat client for subscriber use only. The client will integrate into the forums and you'll be able to conduct real-time chats in public and private rooms. We're currently beta testing the client and it will be ready shortly, so stay tuned for an announcement about that in the near future.

As always, AnandTech Subscribers are offered the following features as a part of their subscription package:

  • increased private message limit (up to 1,000 private messages)
  • dedicated server access only for subscribers
  • full-text search to make finding posts easier
  • buddy lists to help keep track of your favorite forum users
  • no banner advertisements
  • and more to come...

To find out more about the AnandTech Subscriber service or to sign up, visit

Thanks again for your continued support,