Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
:roll: What a bunch of tripe. I did some reading on this situations and kooks are spouting alot about things they don't know about.
Civil Affairs Soldiers Deliver Seeds to Iraqi Farmers
...Supplies included certified seeds for wheat, corn and maize; urea and other fertilizers; and insecticides and herbicides. While seeds aren't always the hardest things to come by for farmers, the seed given by the agriculture team provides a wider gene pool for the plants.
?Most Iraqi farmers can grow their own seed, but they have been doing it so long that the germination is poor,? Cole said.
...?The farmers have requested assistance with diseases in their vegetables, so our intent is to work with Texas A&M to have their produce disease specialist to assist us in October.?
With these improvements, the agriculture team and civil affairs hope to help out the people of Al Rashid starting at the lowest level possible.
?We're trying our hardest to see that the seed is distributed to the individual farmers,? Rinehart said. ?If we get it to the individuals who need it the most, we know they will appreciate it and use it, and hopefully that will help bring more stability to the local economy.?
So do we have any germination experts here?
Also - has anyone actually read the dasm law? ...didn't think so.
Section 66 - "B. Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties or any
variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph (C) of Article 14 of this
So how exactly is this different from what the rest of the world does? If the Iraqis want to use and reuse their own seed -they may. Infact they will be able to apply for patent on their own strains for use/distribution -they just can't reuse "protected" seed.
Is there anything you conspiracy mongers won't try to spin negatively?