Farcry and Uplay


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
I played FC 1,2 and enjoyed them. Have not purchased 3 or 4 because of the Uplay demands. Questions:

1. Is Uplay a reason NOT to buy? I have Steam and Origin downloads, none of which requires Uplay. However, I know very little about Uplay. How intrusive is it? Do I need to always be on line to play?

What are your experiences with Uplay? I would like to play these games, but if Uplay is a major negative, I will not buy.

The Wife


Jun 30, 2003
Uplay is annoying, but in my experience (FC3) no worse than having to start steam or origin.

I personally thought FC3 was 10000000000x better than FC1. never played 2. It's worth biting the bullet if you ask me. FC3/4 are not to be missed.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
FC1 and FC3 are made by different companies. FC1 was a more traditional FPS game with a revolutionary change, it was not boxed in. You had wide open land and could choose the direction you attack a scenario. It also brought back old school challenge to gaming.

FC3 is more of a sandbox game, though it still has a story to follow, which is pretty good. Both are good games and worth playing, but I'd consider FC1 to be the best FPS game ever created for its time. FC3 is good, just not as great in history.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
FC1 and FC3 are made by different companies. FC1 was a more traditional FPS game with a revolutionary change, it was not boxed in. You had wide open land and could choose the direction you attack a scenario. It also brought back old school challenge to gaming.

FC3 is more of a sandbox game, though it still has a story to follow, which is pretty good. Both are good games and worth playing, but I'd consider FC1 to be the best FPS game ever created for its time. FC3 is good, just not as great in history.

Eh... FC1 definitely brought things to the shooter genre that were new and exciting, but as a game it just wasn't as fun to me. FC3 & 4 are great games as far as "fun" is concerned, which is why I play games. They don't do much new, but they're both well made and refined sandbox shooters.

But back to the OP... UPlay is fine. Get the games and have fun
Feb 6, 2007
Uplay isn't bad enough to warrant missing out on good games, and FC3 definitely qualifies (haven't played 4).


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
thanks for the info. I guess (sigh) I will download Uplay. I had heard a lot of complaints about Uplay, but I guess they fixed some of the more egregious errors.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
FYI some Ubisoft games come with an older versions of Uplay that can cause issues. It's usually a good idea to install the latest Uplay update separately after installing the game.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I have never, ever, ever had an issue with UPlay, Steam, Battle.net or Origin. Remembering my passwords is about the only issue I ever have.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Uplay is actually pretty slick as far as the GUI goes and has some nifty ideas like game specific rewards for finishing 'achievements' (simple stuff like a background or MP3 or gun unlock). On it's own it isn't bad. But getting it working correctly with Steam isn't always a straight shot though (or at least has given me a little trouble before) so if you buy one of the games you may want to avoid buying on Steam and just go straight to Uplay.

FC3 / FC4 are both excellent games however and "no Uplay" is in no way worth not playing them imo. Also FC3 Blood Dragon is pretty awesome as well.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
I don't have a huge problem with uPlay other than the fact you have to use it for certain games, I take more issue with having to run multiple clients for multiple games, I have 512 games on steam and 2 on uPlay, now I have to run 2 clients just to play 1 extra game, it's insane. At least it's not Origin xD


Jan 8, 2010
I would disagree about FC3 being better than FC1. They really aren't even the same type of game. One is a pretty striaght forward story driven game, and the other is a sandbox repeat the same mission over and over basically. They both have pros and cons, but I preferred FC1. This may have more to do with my sandbox ADD though, I simply cannot get into sandbox games and see them through.

Uplay for most games is pretty unobtrusive. The only games it really annoyed me on was Trials Evolution. F' that game and Uplay. Also Uplay lost my 100's of hours save of Rocksmith 2014 too..which really chapped my hide. No f'ing backups? Seriously? F' you. Saving to the 'cloud' is completely worthless if you can't do something as simple as recover from a corrupt save. Just proves it is DRM, and nothing more.
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Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
Unfortunately Far Cry's graphics are broken from Windows Vista onward, and there is no way to fix it.

Well hubby is putting together an XP computer just for that reason...Not just FC but other old games as well...we have a LOT of them.


Jun 24, 2003
Far Cry 3 and 4 are basically the same game. Both definitely worth playing. The only annoying part of uplay is trying to play with your friends. Far Cry 2 was garbage as I recall, with frequently respawning enemies capable of absorbing multiple 7.62 gunshots to the chest.


Aug 14, 2000
Unfortunately Far Cry's graphics are broken from Windows Vista onward, and there is no way to fix it.
Eh? It looks and runs fine on Win7-64, and the graphics still hold up really well. I replayed it on my system last year.


Aug 14, 2000
No it doesn't, there is a major bug in water reflections, causing the reflections of landmasses to not be rendered at all. You see foliage reflections just floating on nothing.
Oh, that. I didn't even notice a problem until somebody posted up screenshots and I could see them side-by-side.

So some of the landmass reflections don't render? That's not a "major bug". A major bug is solid pink textures, failure to launch, or corrupted saved games. It's a minor problem at worst, a drama made from virtually zero impact to the game.

I don't agree that the graphics "still hold up really well" either. Don't get me wrong, I adore the game, and those graphics blew my mind at the time, but as much as it pains me to admit it the visuals haven't aged well at all. There is atrocious pop-in everywhere, and when you increase sprite distances for foliage (which you have to do otherwise all foliage beyond the immediate foreground will be a hideous blurry mess) it only makes the pop-in more noticeable by disabling the fade/grow-in effect. The draw distances for things like grass are jarringly short. I look at games like UT2003/4, Max Payne 2 and F.E.A.R, and see games that have aged really well. Not so for Far Cry, sadly.
Uh, almost every modern game has pop-in, especially streaming open worlds. How do you manage playing such games?

Fear and Max Payne 2 don't have anywhere near the open levels or draw distances of Far Cry. As for UT2004, its visuals absolutely pale in comparison, and it can't generate anything like this:


That's an un-modded eleven year old game, and it looks damn impressive. I know because I replayed it last year - and took that screenshot right now - so I don't have to rely on imagination. Now compare this to playing a 1993 game when Far Cry came out.

Also, what's wrong with your screenshot? It looks fugly. Did you run it through a blur filter or something?

BTW, don't try playing Dark Messiah again. When I played it recently I saw SOME VEGETATION THAT FACED THE SAME WAY AS THE PLAYER!!!!

Oh noes!!! Major graphics problems!!! Write the game off immediately!!! :awe:
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Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
Would be nice if the game devs would initiate a patch to disable those DRM schemes in OLDER games.
Sigh...dream on.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2009
I personally thought FC3 was 10000000000x better than FC1.
They were not made by the same company.
Far Cry 1 is Crysis 0, the predecessor to Crysis, by Crytek.

Far Cry 2, 3 and 4 and all the rest are just sandbox shooters done by Ubisoft Montreal, the same studio that does Assassin's Creed, Tom Clancy's shooters and Watch Dogs.


Aug 14, 2000
I too can cherry pick screenshots like that easily enough. Low angle, grass draw ending just on the other side of the rise (just three steps backward and there'd be a nice big bald patch in front of you), distant terrain and foliage conveniently obscured. Also, why is your image so small? Makes me think of the way everyone's Skyrim screenshots look so marvelous until you click "view original" and Gamebryo hits you in the face.


Big enough for you? Far enough for you?

It should be, because it's in the same spot. I hardly need to cherry-pick anything because the game still looks great.

Your image looks like utter crap in comparison, especially the dirt road and vegetation. Heck, even your birds look like they've been smeared with a blur filter. Your game looks seriously misconfigured or something.
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