Falwell launches "Evangelical Revolution" to convert other 49% of America 11-10-04


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
11-10-2004 Falwell Launches 'Evangelical Revolution'

RICHMOND, Va. - Seeking to take advantage of the momentum from an election where moral values proved important to voters, the Rev. Jerry Falwell announced Tuesday he has formed a new coalition to guide an "evangelical revolution."

"We all, for the first time, began to realize the potential of religious conservatives, particularly evangelicals, when something over 30 million of them went to the polls," he said, noting most supported the president and anti-abortion candidates, and voted to approve 11 initiatives across the country banning gay marriage.

And when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom began performing gay marriages, it "really caught the attention of people of faith in this country, and what we have been saying could happen actually happened," he said.

"The timing could not have been better. That, along with the abortion issues and the terrorism issue, helped us to get our people awakened."
The U.S. is now led by "our people awakened".


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Falwell is one of the biggest losers to ever grace the television set. Now Rev. Robert Schuller, he's someone worth watching and listening too.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: rickn
Falwell is one of the biggest losers to ever grace the television set. Now Rev. Robert Schuller, he's someone worth watching and listening too.

How dare you say that about the leaders of the 51% of the American Religious Radical Right Voters.



Golden Member
May 26, 2004
IN CASE EVERYONE DIDN'T NOTICE ONLY 22% OF VOTERS VOTED DUE TO MORAL ISSUES! The rest were split on kerry and bush issues. 22% does not equal a Religious Right Mandate! 22% equals LUCK and even then a minority!

Besides who's moral values? Do these moral values favor kerry or bush? Just because Bush won does not mean he, or Jerry, can claim it was their values people voted for.
May 10, 2001
I?m sure that, given a chance in the market place of ideas, that the majority of people would side with the ideas of love and forgiveness that Christ through the bible speaks of.

And a large group of moderately minded Christians may well be able to change the religious right into religious moderates. I for one would like to see the religious right stop arguing against gay adoption.

This all sounds like a great thing to me.

22% does not equal a Religious Right Mandate!
what are the other stats? Sure morality doesn?t come in #2 for a lot of those war-on-terror and tax-cuts people?


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
11-10-2004 Falwell Launches 'Evangelical Revolution'

RICHMOND, Va. - Seeking to take advantage of the momentum from an election where moral values proved important to voters, the Rev. Jerry Falwell announced Tuesday he has formed a new coalition to guide an "evangelical revolution."

"We all, for the first time, began to realize the potential of religious conservatives, particularly evangelicals, when something over 30 million of them went to the polls," he said, noting most supported the president and anti-abortion candidates, and voted to approve 11 initiatives across the country banning gay marriage.

And when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom began performing gay marriages, it "really caught the attention of people of faith in this country, and what we have been saying could happen actually happened," he said.

"The timing could not have been better. That, along with the abortion issues and the terrorism issue, helped us to get our people awakened."
The U.S. is now led by "our people awakened".
Never has one (JF) done so much to drive a wedge between Christianity and those who do not yet believe. He does not have a mandate from me.



Jan 8, 2004
And its just the beginning. ALL of those Christians want to do the word of god when it states that their work is to minister and convert everybody so they do not become "lost". With W appointing Christians left and right (more to the right of course), is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god. Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
I?m sure that, given a chance in the market place of ideas, that the majority of people would side with the ideas of love and forgiveness that Christ through the bible speaks of.

And a large group of moderately minded Christians may well be able to change the religious right into religious moderates. I for one would like to see the religious right stop arguing against gay adoption.

This all sounds like a great thing to me.

22% does not equal a Religious Right Mandate!
what are the other stats? Sure morality doesn?t come in #2 for a lot of those war-on-terror and tax-cuts people?

The only religious moderates I've met don't try to convert me. Evangelical Christian moderates? Hah, that will be the day.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: crooked22
And its just the beginning. ALL of those Christians want to do the word of god when it states that their work is to minister and convert everybody so they do not become "lost". With W appointing Christians left and right (more to the right of course), is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god. Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

You either fight ideas with ideas or you loose because one form of repression is no better than another.


Jan 8, 2004
Is not repression, is separation of church and state. Otherwise, we spent 4 more years undoing what the 4 previous years did unnecesarily. Just don't ask don't tell. Otherwise, nothing gets done and it becomes a Government of the elite for their Ideals instead for People by the People.
Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: gutharius
IN CASE EVERYONE DIDN'T NOTICE ONLY 22% OF VOTERS VOTED DUE TO MORAL ISSUES! The rest were split on kerry and bush issues. 22% does not equal a Religious Right Mandate! 22% equals LUCK and even then a minority!
Shhhhhh! Remember, everyone is ignorant, not them. Let them keep repeating it over and over so everyone knows for sure who is ignorant. ;)



Golden Member
Oct 16, 2001
Another post could be seen to kinda tie these 2 stories together. Of course I am a tinfoil headed bafoon, that needs to have my views and expressions quelled at all costs. (that is not my sentiment, that is sentiment expressed by these self proclaimed `Regents` such as Falwell).


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: crooked22

is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

Simply replace Christians with Islams and you see that the two are the same.

Islams who are affected by them will just believe that is Allah's holy plan for his people.

Of course both the Islams and Christians are blinded by their "Faith" by the Faith Brainwashing so they don't see it.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Send him over to my house.....I wanna see him try to make me a born again christian.....
Do they charge by the hour?


Jan 8, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: crooked22

is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

Simply replace Christians with Islams and you see that the two are the same.

Islams who are affected by them will just believe that is Allah's holy plan for his people.

Of course both the Islams and Christians are blinded by their "Faith" by the Faith Brainwashing so they don't see it.

Oh I do not argue that, in fact, that is true to any TRUE believer who is fanatical about their religion. But then, if you believe in a particular god, and dont follow his word to the T, are you really a believer? is there grounds for disapproval? Can you be Catholic and not like the Papacy? What about a Jew who believes Jesus is god? Or a Christian evolutionist? Are Religious people soo fed up with their own beliefs that they simply seem to morph and create new sects just so they can get a slice of Paradise?

As a Christian who believe in the word of Christ, will you not meddle in other people's life and let them choose for themselves, disobeying Christ's words when he said: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Or are you going to meddle and follow the word?

Simply put, Evangelists or Fundamentals or whichever of their many denominations are not compatible with seculiarism, as it goes against their beliefs (theocracy)


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: crooked22
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: crooked22

is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

Simply replace Christians with Islams and you see that the two are the same.

Islams who are affected by them will just believe that is Allah's holy plan for his people.

Of course both the Islams and Christians are blinded by their "Faith" by the Faith Brainwashing so they don't see it.

Oh I do not argue that, in fact, that is true to any TRUE believer who is fanatical about their religion. But then, if you believe in a particular god, and dont follow his word to the T, are you really a believer? is there grounds for disapproval? Can you be Catholic and not like the Papacy? What about a Jew who believes Jesus is god? Or a Christian evolutionist? Are Religious people soo fed up with their own beliefs that they simply seem to morph and create new sects just so they can get a slice of Paradise?

As a Christian who believe in the word of Christ, will you not meddle in other people's life and let them choose for themselves, disobeying Christ's words when he said: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Or are you going to meddle and follow the word?

Simply put, Evangelists or Fundamentals or whichever of their many denominations are not compatible with seculiarism, as it goes against their beliefs (theocracy)
If they would just mind their own God Damned business nobody would have a problem with them



May 28, 2001
I think it's funny to hear Fallwell talk about awakening. And by funny, I do in-fact mean sad and ironic.


Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: crooked22
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: crooked22

is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

Simply replace Christians with Islams and you see that the two are the same.

Islams who are affected by them will just believe that is Allah's holy plan for his people.

Of course both the Islams and Christians are blinded by their "Faith" by the Faith Brainwashing so they don't see it.

Oh I do not argue that, in fact, that is true to any TRUE believer who is fanatical about their religion. But then, if you believe in a particular god, and dont follow his word to the T, are you really a believer? is there grounds for disapproval? Can you be Catholic and not like the Papacy? What about a Jew who believes Jesus is god? Or a Christian evolutionist? Are Religious people soo fed up with their own beliefs that they simply seem to morph and create new sects just so they can get a slice of Paradise?

As a Christian who believe in the word of Christ, will you not meddle in other people's life and let them choose for themselves, disobeying Christ's words when he said: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Or are you going to meddle and follow the word?

Simply put, Evangelists or Fundamentals or whichever of their many denominations are not compatible with seculiarism, as it goes against their beliefs (theocracy)
If they would just mind their own God Damned business nobody would have a problem with them

If Gays would just go back into their closet nobody would have a problem with them.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: AntiEverything

Why don't both sides just leave everyone the fvck alone. I don't want to be indoctrinated by either side, thank you very much.

The Agenda.

Because it is the power and greed factor of human nature to have it all or nothing.


Senior member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: AntiEverything

Why don't both sides just leave everyone the fvck alone. I don't want to be indoctrinated by either side, thank you very much.

The Agenda.

Because it is the power and greed factor of human nature to have it all or nothing.

Did you read the thread I linked to? Moore thinks that anybody who didn't vote for Kerry "needs to be educated". Sounds eerily like Falwell.

Maybe if you spent as much time railing against the left as you did the right, I might value your opinion a little more, Chicken Little. Instead, I just see you as another pawn of the left, which is as greedy for power as the right.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2003
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: crooked22
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: crooked22

is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

Simply replace Christians with Islams and you see that the two are the same.

Islams who are affected by them will just believe that is Allah's holy plan for his people.

Of course both the Islams and Christians are blinded by their "Faith" by the Faith Brainwashing so they don't see it.

Oh I do not argue that, in fact, that is true to any TRUE believer who is fanatical about their religion. But then, if you believe in a particular god, and dont follow his word to the T, are you really a believer? is there grounds for disapproval? Can you be Catholic and not like the Papacy? What about a Jew who believes Jesus is god? Or a Christian evolutionist? Are Religious people soo fed up with their own beliefs that they simply seem to morph and create new sects just so they can get a slice of Paradise?

As a Christian who believe in the word of Christ, will you not meddle in other people's life and let them choose for themselves, disobeying Christ's words when he said: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Or are you going to meddle and follow the word?

Simply put, Evangelists or Fundamentals or whichever of their many denominations are not compatible with seculiarism, as it goes against their beliefs (theocracy)
If they would just mind their own God Damned business nobody would have a problem with them

If Gays would just go back into their closet nobody would have a problem with them.

:cookie Good Troll. Now go sit.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: crooked22
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: crooked22

is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

Simply replace Christians with Islams and you see that the two are the same.

Islams who are affected by them will just believe that is Allah's holy plan for his people.

Of course both the Islams and Christians are blinded by their "Faith" by the Faith Brainwashing so they don't see it.

Oh I do not argue that, in fact, that is true to any TRUE believer who is fanatical about their religion. But then, if you believe in a particular god, and dont follow his word to the T, are you really a believer? is there grounds for disapproval? Can you be Catholic and not like the Papacy? What about a Jew who believes Jesus is god? Or a Christian evolutionist? Are Religious people soo fed up with their own beliefs that they simply seem to morph and create new sects just so they can get a slice of Paradise?

As a Christian who believe in the word of Christ, will you not meddle in other people's life and let them choose for themselves, disobeying Christ's words when he said: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Or are you going to meddle and follow the word?

Simply put, Evangelists or Fundamentals or whichever of their many denominations are not compatible with seculiarism, as it goes against their beliefs (theocracy)
If they would just mind their own God Damned business nobody would have a problem with them

If Gays would just go back into their closet nobody would have a problem with them.
No sexually repressed fscktards like you would still obsess over them, especially every time you had a homosexual thought.



Aug 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: crooked22
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: crooked22

is only a matter of time since those policies start affecting us that do not believe in god.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

These fundamentalists are *very* dangerous people. Perhaps a constitutional amendment that bars explicitly any intermingle of church and state is the only thing that will keep them in their place. Hey, maybe even prohibiting the President from calling out his faith while he is Presiding.

Christians who are affected by them will just believe that is god's holy plan for his people.

Simply replace Christians with Islams and you see that the two are the same.

Islams who are affected by them will just believe that is Allah's holy plan for his people.

Of course both the Islams and Christians are blinded by their "Faith" by the Faith Brainwashing so they don't see it.

Oh I do not argue that, in fact, that is true to any TRUE believer who is fanatical about their religion. But then, if you believe in a particular god, and dont follow his word to the T, are you really a believer? is there grounds for disapproval? Can you be Catholic and not like the Papacy? What about a Jew who believes Jesus is god? Or a Christian evolutionist? Are Religious people soo fed up with their own beliefs that they simply seem to morph and create new sects just so they can get a slice of Paradise?

As a Christian who believe in the word of Christ, will you not meddle in other people's life and let them choose for themselves, disobeying Christ's words when he said: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Or are you going to meddle and follow the word?

Simply put, Evangelists or Fundamentals or whichever of their many denominations are not compatible with seculiarism, as it goes against their beliefs (theocracy)
If they would just mind their own God Damned business nobody would have a problem with them

If Gays would just go back into their closet nobody would have a problem with them.
No sexually repressed fscktards like you would still obsess over them, especially every time you had a homosexual thought.
Not at all. It was some lunatic fvcked up homo that came up with the idea of gay marraige in the first place. Had you not come up with this ridiculous notion, we wouldn't have to ban it.

I thank them, though, for providing us with such a weapon to use in future political campaigns.