Failing right mouse button


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2002
right mouse button is going inactive for milliseconds at a time, enough to notice in games. It's about 40 secs between incidents but they seem to be occurring more as time goes on. Do I have to send the mouse back to be replaced/repaired or is there a quick fix maybe?...I figure not. Updated the firmware also to be sure it wasn't a software thing.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
My solution . . . replace the mouse.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2002
Right on!

Well, logitech support is fantastic. I emailed them last night and got a reply soon thereafter. Replied today thinking they'd probably be closed for Thanksgiving but I was helped right away and they are going to send me out a G500 mouse to replace my G5 since they don't make them anymore. Free upgrade!:,en

I don't even have to send my mouse back in. Amazing support. This happened a few years ago also when my older G5 was replaced with the newer 2007 G5 model free of charge.


Senior member
Dec 19, 2005
Right on!

Well, logitech support is fantastic. I emailed them last night and got a reply soon thereafter. Replied today thinking they'd probably be closed for Thanksgiving but I was helped right away and they are going to send me out a G500 mouse to replace my G5 since they don't make them anymore. Free upgrade!:,en

I don't even have to send my mouse back in. Amazing support. This happened a few years ago also when my older G5 was replaced with the newer 2007 G5 model free of charge.

Yup, Logitech's support kicks ass. My MX518's right button started feeling a bit weird after over 3 years, so I called them up. The person I spoke to informed me I was out of warranty by about 2 weeks, but still sent me a brand new MX518 completely free, without asking for the old mouse back or anything. I even got a free upgrade like you, since the current MX518 has a better sensor and feet than the one I bought in '06.


Senior member
Mar 28, 2002
I bought a NIB G5 off craigslist a few years ago for $20. It was the single side button one and after a few months, the right button got really unreliable - I was playing COD4 a lot and it made the game unplayable.

I called them and they did have me send in my old one and then they shipped me a neat new 2 side button G5 with the blue crackle finish.

Great experience with their mice - however, I had a G15 v1 die about 14 months after I got it and it only had a 1 year warranty. Yeah, too bad about your $100 keyboard.

If they would offer a good warranty, I would buy their gaming keyboards again, but 1 year is insane - especially on the high end ones.

Anyway - I had a similar experience with one of the first gen MS Explorer Mice with the LEDs. They just shipped one right out, no questions asked.

The big names will probably take good care of you but if you bought a cheapy no name mouse, you should probably just replace it.