Failed Memtest86 with ic7-g and mushkin ram


Apr 25, 2002
Hi all,

I just built a new rig composed of:

2x512 pc3200 mushkin blueline (2.5-3-3-6)

During first few hours, my computer suddenly crashed and went into the blue-screen reporting memory error. So when I ran the memtest86 with modules on dimm1 and 3 (dual channel mode), I got few errors. So in an attempt to figure out which module was the cause of this problem, I begin testing each seperately. However, it reported no errors (tested 1st module in dimm1 then dimm3 then tested 2nd module in dimm1 then dimm3 - ran 3 full tests on each dimm).

I can't figure out if its the problem with dimm slots or the memory module itself. Please help.

Oh btw, I'm not trying to overclock. One thing that caught buy eye was the vcore value (excuse me if this is wrong name but i'm talking abouth the -12v). It was showing -8.something for this. I'm using Antec TruePower 430.

Please advise.