Thanks for the stats.
Team: I am sorry that I continue to let you down. My production is miserable these days and is not very likely to improve for the next several weeks.
I've got 5 computers down with power supply issues. I have another down with upgrade issues (the case wiring is not sufficiently long to connect to the mother board headers.).
By mid next week ... I anticipate getting my dual 850 back online as well as an Athlon XP2400+, and Athlon XP3000+, and two Athlon XP2200+. The fifth computer is a Pentium III 600 and I wish it were back online too.
Is there some kind of power supply flu going around? This is insane. I have lost 1 power supply in the last 10 years and now I have 4 computers with failed PSU's. Wots ... uh ... the deal here ????
Medical issues are still slowing me down but I am getting back up to speed ... s---l-----o----w----l---y
Success comes in small steps these days.