FAD: Apr-02 mondobyte's doing the TOP-DAWG dance today!

Ross Whitehead

Golden Member
Apr 6, 2002
49 active members returned 1,194,132 points yesterday :thumbsup:

mondobyte leads the pack today with 131,253 points! Honourable mentions go to Rebel_Alliance (125,689 pts) and TA_GeoffS (95,943 pts).

memo was our highest climber jumping 1,021 spots!

Today's Milestone Makers
mondobyte crossed 242M molecules
Raoul_Teteblanc crossed 16 yrs CPU time
TA_GeoffS crossed 6 yrs CPU time
sduguid crossed 27M molecules
wirelessenabled crossed 51M molecules
Tri-Digital crossed 4M points
mrwizer crossed 24M molecules
ChristianDiepold crossed 2M molecules
DUKOOLIO crossed 1M molecules
Milestones are every 1M pts, 1M molecules, 1 yr CPU time

Please join me in welcoming our newest members:
GhettoFob came from (unknown)

... and wishing all the best to our departed members:

Welcome all and thanks for crunching with us!

More TeAm Stats can be found HERE


Golden Member
Sep 23, 2002
Thanks for the stats post Ross

Welcome to the TeAm GhettoFob!!! Thanks for crunchin with us
