F@H ?-Can I configure the cli client to dial a connection at a certain time?


Golden Member
Sep 9, 2001
I'd like to install the cli client as a service on 2 computers at home and have it be completely transparent to my mom and sister. The problem is, they are both on a dial-up connection. My question is, can I configure the client to dial a connection at a certain time, say late at night?

thanks for the help,


Mar 17, 2001
Unfortunately, due to the F@H client's time limited WUs, it doesn't lend itself well to situations like that. It will have to be able to dial out whenever necessary, or you will have to be prepared to do some client babysitting (like I have to do). We (that means myself plus many others who are stuck on dialup) have been petitioning the F@H developers for ages to include features to facilitate use of the client on dialup, but they have yet to do that. Some of us still struggle through, however.

BTW, if your relatives don't mind, you could use the GUI version and set it to prompt you when it needs to go online. Perhaps that would work out better.