The graphics are not that good. They are only marginally better in some areas than Half Life 2 or Battlefield 2, and in other areas fall far short. A hell of a lot of monochromatic wall textures that look like something from 1998. The facial animations are no better than HL2, and yet:
For HL2 at 1680x1050, 4xAA, 16AA, High Detail I benchmark at 130-140FPS on my system.
For BF2, no wonder of efficient design itself, w/ all details high except dynamic shadows and 2xAA at 1680x1050, I max out the FPS cap at 99.9 for the majority of the game, depending on lagginess of the server.
For F.E.A.R. Fearfully inefficient , at 1024x768 without ANY anti-aliasing an FX-55 and 7800GTX gets low 50's FPS according to Bit-Tech's benchmarks
That is truly absurd to the point of being infuriating. The game itself might show some amazing turn-around perhaps, which would be nice. No one should have to have 3000 dollars in hardware to play a graphically mediocre game at sub 60fps at 1024x768 resolution. :disgust:
(taken from Software, mod pls delete from software forum)
The graphics are not that good. They are only marginally better in some areas than Half Life 2 or Battlefield 2, and in other areas fall far short. A hell of a lot of monochromatic wall textures that look like something from 1998. The facial animations are no better than HL2, and yet:
For HL2 at 1680x1050, 4xAA, 16AA, High Detail I benchmark at 130-140FPS on my system.
For BF2, no wonder of efficient design itself, w/ all details high except dynamic shadows and 2xAA at 1680x1050, I max out the FPS cap at 99.9 for the majority of the game, depending on lagginess of the server.
For F.E.A.R. Fearfully inefficient , at 1024x768 without ANY anti-aliasing an FX-55 and 7800GTX gets low 50's FPS according to Bit-Tech's benchmarks
That is truly absurd to the point of being infuriating. The game itself might show some amazing turn-around perhaps, which would be nice. No one should have to have 3000 dollars in hardware to play a graphically mediocre game at sub 60fps at 1024x768 resolution. :disgust:
(taken from Software, mod pls delete from software forum)