Eyeglass Issues, Need Hot Deal On Glass Lenses


Oct 9, 1999
Damn! Now that I'm strapped for money, people are finding more ways for me to spend it!

I had to the end of October to use my last month of health insurance. I've been needing to get my vision prescription done for years, so I figured I better do it. Went to a place that was part of our insurance plan. Got the prescription for near vision, far vision and had my son's prescription done too.

I told the doctor I wanted a near vision prescription for viewing a PC monitor and doing bench work. I had them make glass lenses for an existing pair of frames. Now that I have them, everything beyond arm's length is blurry. His prescription form says "reading only". Anything in my lap is very nice and sharp, but the monitor is from 29" when I'm sitting straight, to 36" when I lean back. (The resolution is at 800x600 with large fonts.)

I just read on Eyeglasses.Com that "Reading lenses are used only for seeing objects that are up close, approximately 14" to 16"." Well, that's not what I asked for. I called the store as soon as I got home and told them these weren't going to cut it. The secretary said to call the technician when he is in. Now I have to get this squared away.

I believe they charged me close to $50.00 for these lenses. I see on Weblens that plastic lenses are only $25.00. Glass lenses are supposed to be about the same price, but I can't find prices for those online anywhere. I've got my prescription, polarized sunglasses coming from the place that did the eye exam. They charged $110.00 for those. That was with the insurance discount. For comparison, Walmart only wanted $100.00 for the same thing. I'm going to have glasses made online for distance, but I want the best price for the frames with glass lenses. Who has the best deals?

I still have to get squared away with this eyeglass store and my messed up "reading glasses". I really don't like the place. They're very poorly operated. The doctor who does the exams also owns the store. His technician is not too likeable. The secretaries seem inept and unorganized. After almost two weeks, I called and asked if my order was in. She said most of it, but I'd need to schedule a day so they could instruct my son on his new contacts. Couldn't get in till two days later. When I got there she said I still had a $56.00 balance due. I said, no way. After checking, she saw I was correct. Then it turns out my son didn't need lessons on these contacts after all. He's been wearing them for over a year, and this was just a newbie contact lens wearing lesson! That should have been in their notes because I gave them a copy of my last order for contacts for him from Weblens. She suggested he wear this trial pair, then come back to order some from them. Yeah, that'll happen! They didn't even offer me eyeglass cases, though I bought one pair for my son, and two sets of lenses for me, as well the exams. She neglected to give me my old lenses too. Man, they suck!

So, what do I do about the "reading glasses?" He'll have to check my eyes again. Should I have to pay for that? What about the replacement lenses, should I have to pay for those, too? Yep, this is a rant, an unresolved issue and hot deal request, rolled into one! :)

Thanks In Advance!


Oct 9, 1999
I just noticed something. My prescription for "reading" is +0.50, and for distance, it's -1.00. Is it conceivable that my vision at 36" needs no correction? That seems to be the case when I look at the monitor from that distance!