Hello I was looking around the web about my slow speeds and see people giving out about there speeds only been in the low megabytes I wish I had any where near that.
I'm new to networks well not really new been avoiding them for along time but im sick of not been able to just transfer my files from pc to laptop anytibg above 1gig will take hours I started a 10gig file lastnite and stopped all other traffic but after 9 hours it was still only 34% done.
Like I said I don't like networking so im not 100% sure what Nic I have in the laptop or pc but both are new enough to match and should be able to match the 54Mbs (or close enough) that my router is capable so any advice anybody can give me for copying would be great.
Also should say the laptop pc and router are all within 7feet of each other and I live in the country with no other wireless networks around to interfear. Also wired is not a longterm option
I'm new to networks well not really new been avoiding them for along time but im sick of not been able to just transfer my files from pc to laptop anytibg above 1gig will take hours I started a 10gig file lastnite and stopped all other traffic but after 9 hours it was still only 34% done.
Like I said I don't like networking so im not 100% sure what Nic I have in the laptop or pc but both are new enough to match and should be able to match the 54Mbs (or close enough) that my router is capable so any advice anybody can give me for copying would be great.
Also should say the laptop pc and router are all within 7feet of each other and I live in the country with no other wireless networks around to interfear. Also wired is not a longterm option