My mobo crapped out on me, and I've decided to use this opportunity to upgrade as much as I can. I've listed the parts I need and the parts I have below. I've also done a bit of research and made a couple of preliminary choices. Even though my knowledge base is leagues ahead of where it was 5 years ago when I built my current (and first) rig, I still have a few newb questions to ask. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Parts I need: these are just the "must haves." I would also like to add a second HDD (maybe a 500Gb), but that can come a bit later with no issues.
mobo - $109.99 Gigabyte GAMA790X
CPU - $119.00 AMD X3 710
RAM - $47.99 Kingston 2 x 2 Gb DDR2 800
The rest I can reuse from my current system, or at least I hope I can. I do have one very noobish question, though. Can I use my current 8800 GTX nVidia card with this mobo without running into any issues? Having to replace the vid card right now would make this upgrade an impossibility. I'm not at all opposed to Intel, by the way. This just seemed like the most cost effective route to take. Oh yeah, one more thing. I thought I might try my hand at overclocking as well. Would this be a good budget system for that purpose? Thanks again for answering my questions.
Parts I need: these are just the "must haves." I would also like to add a second HDD (maybe a 500Gb), but that can come a bit later with no issues.
mobo - $109.99 Gigabyte GAMA790X
CPU - $119.00 AMD X3 710
RAM - $47.99 Kingston 2 x 2 Gb DDR2 800
The rest I can reuse from my current system, or at least I hope I can. I do have one very noobish question, though. Can I use my current 8800 GTX nVidia card with this mobo without running into any issues? Having to replace the vid card right now would make this upgrade an impossibility. I'm not at all opposed to Intel, by the way. This just seemed like the most cost effective route to take. Oh yeah, one more thing. I thought I might try my hand at overclocking as well. Would this be a good budget system for that purpose? Thanks again for answering my questions.