External hard drive in Redhat Linux 9.0


Junior Member
Feb 12, 2004

Can any one tell me how do i configure my external hard drive connected through firewire in redhat linux 9.0.
It installs the firewire driver, but dont know how exactly to mount the drive. Dont know which device to mount. The device is not listed in the hardware browser.

Also I have a Belkin PCI 802.11b wireless card. It is not listed as one of the supported hardware, but can we use any of the generic drivers. Please point me to any web sites that have the detailed steps to configure these things.
I have looked at some books ("linux bibles") but none of them clearly explain the steps. They talk about configuring only the supported cards. They never talk about the external hard drives.

Any help is greatly appreciated,




Elite Member
Jul 4, 2002
Firewire harddrive, eh? Never used one before. I have a usb HD enclosure that I mess around with sometimes, though.

But in order to have the control needed to deal with that sort of thing Linux usually recognizes it as a scsi drive.

So scsi drives are usualy /dev/sd*, like IDE drives are /dev/hd*

So if you already have a partition set up on it try this command(assuming you want it mounted to your /mnt directory):

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

or if you need to set up partitions try this command:

cfdisk /dev/sda

Also check out the output of the dmesg command. Dmesg shows the latest kernel-related logs, usually to do with stuff like hardware modules and detection at bootup.

If the kernel knows it exists it should make a little comment about it and tag it onto the end of the dmesg output when you do something. Also instead of the command you can check out /var/log/messages and see if anything new gets added when you unplug and replug in your harddrive. That way you can know if your computer even knows the harddrive exists in the first place.

Then when you get that all worked out then you just need to add a extra entry to your /etc/fstab file to make it "official" and set it up to mount with just something like "mount /firehd" or whatever you want. Check out "man fstab" command for detials or there are plenty of user friendly docs on the internet.

For wireless card information check out the Wireless Linux resource page, brought to you by HP. ;) This will hopefully provide some info and links to get that card working. Right now anyways I am just beginning to learn a bit about wireless stuff.


Senior member
Dec 1, 2002
When I am mounting external hard drives or more drives in my linuxbox i like to create a directory such as /home2 or /exter1 etc. Anyways just a sugestions :)