External DVD Burner - Portable or Desktop?


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
So its time i got an external burner for my X60 tablet. I'm torn between a fully portable unit or a desktop one, not sure which is the better option for me...

Portable - Pioneer 8x Slot Load - $77 total

Desktop - MadDog MegaSTOR 18x - $53

Thing is, i will rarely use it, kinda the reason I got the x60 in the first place. Should i just stick with a reliable desktop unit? The portable option seems nice, but the possibility of power issues and burning coasters kinda makes me second guess it.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
I think you almost answered your own question. I use a Desktop Burner with my T60 - even though it has an internal one. If you are not going to need it on the road, then leave it home. The more crap you have to deal with at airports, the more unpleasant travel is.

And if really needed, the desktop unit is not all that big and I can always throw it in my checked luggage.

In any case, I would go with the Pioneer over the Dog.


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Yea, well i cant even really think of many times I would need it outside my house, or even have to bring it anywhere. I would mainly use it for backups. To be honest, in the three years i had my T41, i used the internal drive maybe 4-5 times max.

Hmmmm, I think i might just go desktop and save the money. I just thought i would match the portability of the x60 with a portable burner, but well, i guess i dont need to.