External DVD burner not burning to blank DVD


Junior Member
Dec 6, 2003
I am new to the dvd burner market and have purchased an external Liteonit USB2.0 dvd burner. My husband is deploying to Iraq and I want to backout our DVD for him to take with him. Everything has installed fine but when I go to burn a dvd it copies the dvd to the computer's hard drive and then says to put in a blank dvd. When I put the DVD+r (which I confirmed from the company is the right one) in the burner, it doesn't do anything. Just has the grayed out start button with the "put in a blank dvd" message at the top. I did format the dvd before use and still nothing. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated because I'm running out of time!!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2000
what software? Have you selected the burner as the right "recorder" if there are choices?