Originally posted by: MinorityReport
Originally posted by: Rob9874
I need some clarification. I have a firewall installed, because I've heard all the horror stories of how hackers can get into your system. But what can they do? I just read some messages about people who have had their PayPal or eBay accounts hacked, but I tend to believe they fell for an email scam, and they provided their password to someone. Or they downloaded some program from an email that allows hackers to see your keystrokes. But they're claiming that hackers got into their system because they have a 24/7 cable modem, and the hacker could check their cookies for passwords and such. Is this even possible?
Here is an example of paypal acount theft:
Take a screnshot of
Go to adobe photoshop/Fireworks and slice it into HTML. You can copy the page directly but this way its less work. Make a giant image background of that screenshot but leave the form fields as HTMl elements.
Make the form part where it says username/password send the info to an e-mail address of your choice. You need a simpel java/cgi script for this .. avaliable in every html help site.
Now put this page up in a server and fake the DNS binders/ virtual domain to make it look like its from paypal domain. somethign iek www1.paypal.com/signup/bonus/form.cgi > etc ect
Send that link to some unsuspecting moron and write a convincing e-mail sayign paypal offering a bonus or some promotion etc with e-mail headers faked from paypal domain.
That sucker will fall rigth in .. he will take that link to be paypal .. and put his details into the form fields.
You have you script e-mail you that info .. and bingo.
Now you have have access to someone's paypal account.
This prank or trick was famous and was successful many times.
$100,000+ was lost in this untill the FBi cracked on the monkeys for good