Exchange Certificates


Junior Member
Sep 23, 2014
A client let his domain expire, and now his external email doesn't work. The outlook anywhere is pointed at this old domain. When i run the outlook connectivity tester, it says the ssl is failing. I assume it's because the self signed cert is assigned to this old domain. So I think i need a new cert assigned to the new domain I will be pointing Outlook Anywhere at.

So I have been looking online everywhere for how to create a self signed cert for my outlook anywhere setup on exchange. I have found lots that get to where I create the .req file, but I haven't found any that show what to do with this file.

I have watched videos, read articles. Apparently I need to link this to my servers CA. The question is how? When I try to complete the request It say's i need to enter the certificate file. Where is this located? Does it also have to be generated soemwhere? This has been very frustrating, all the directions stop at this step. As if signing the .req isn't part of creating the self signed cert.

Can anyone help me with this next step please so i can finish configuring Outlook Anywhere?


Golden Member
Feb 11, 2013
First, I feel obligated to point out that using self-signed certificates for email is generally a Very Bad Idea. Lots of spam filtering services see a self-signed cert as a very high point value red flag, so if you want to keep your emails out of people junk boxes and filters buying a cert from a well known certificate authority is the way to go. They're really not expensive, especially for a business.

But anyway, what version of Exchange are you working with? Here's the Step By Step from technet on the whole process start to finish for Exchange 2010, it should be 99% similar for any version of Exchange after that point, but earlier versions are different enough that its gonna get a little obscure:

About a quarter of the way down the page it goes into taking the REQ file and using it to generate the actual Certificate file.