haha i guess i pushed someone's buttons here. someone from here decided to send me a warning via email, anon email address i'm sure.
this is what your typical p&n poster is like:
F*** off back to OT you c***. Your boy lost and we will prove he stole the election. Now go back to sucking your dad's d***. You are missed between his crotch.
lovely huh? and not even the sack to do it without hiding!
well then, my boy didn't lose. he won. he's still in office. i'm pretty sure had he lost (and if you are too stupid to see how big the margin is you probably really do believe that you are in the majority and not the minority and that the election really was stolen) they would have asked him to leave the oval office. however he's still there, and will continue to be there for four years. it's not bad enough that you people are sore losers, you actually believe you're going to prove he stole the election. good luck with that one.
here's a suggestion, take a hint from the guy from georgia who offed himself and show us how dedicated you really are by following his lead. the world will be a better place for it.
oh yeah, i'd like to thank the makers of mozilla thunderbird, their spam filter correctly labled this email as "junk". good catch!