Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: halik
That bitch is CRAZY. I still don't quite understand how someone of her caliber (Masters Public Education, JD from columbia etc.) gets to be that nuts.
The stuff she said at the Cobo Hall meeting were simply astounding (Whites go home etc.)
She went to Columbia... duh!
That is the school that disinvited the minute men due to the disruption at a previous event, but then turned around and invited Iranian President Ahmedinejad.
Check out this logic by the schools Socialist Organization.
We celebrate free speech: for that reason we allowed the Minutemen to speak, and for that same reason we peacefully occupied the stage and spoke ourselves. Our peaceful protest was violently attacked by members of the College Republicans and their supporters, who are the very same people who invited the Minutemen to our campus in the first place. The Minutemen are not a legitimate voice in the debate on immigration. They are a racist, armed militia who have declared open hunting season on immigrants, causing countless hate crimes and over 3000 deaths on the border. Why should exploitative corporations have free passes between nations, but individual people not? No human being is illegal.
So they celebrate free speech, which is why the denied that right to the minutemen and then turned around and claim that their voices are not legit anyway... and you pay how much a year to attend this school??