Yes, but identifying individual instruments and actually tracking the multiple tracks in a tracking program and making a coherent composition is a challenge with zero music background. Especially when you are talking full orchestra, choirs, etc and everything is a cohesive blur of 100s of strings and overtones simultaneously and it's not just a simple 3 instrument rock song.
Most of what I imagine is really slow tragic epic theme-y kind of stuff for a video game of the RPG genre... made my own eyes water a few times
Sadly it will never see the light of day, because writers and programmers don't make video games these days, texture artists and 3D modelers do. For every 100 skilled programmers and aspiring game makers "in the wild" there are zero 3D modelers and animators. Even starting with something like Unity, it's clear 90% of game development is asset driven, not code. And one thing I'm not is an artist. I have a second left brain instead of a right brain.
Music I can understand, lots of mathematical properties. But capturing emotions and characters in a 3D mesh and animating thousands of frames and textures isn't something I would even know where to start.
This is some ancient random thing I made in high school trying to get out of my head for an RPG by pecking keys with a mouse on a virtual keyboard with sound recorder running, and then trying to manually overlap each channel by mixing multiple wav files.
Probably like 14-16 playing around with my first real PC sound card an AWE32 using the midi test control panel with sound recorder running. Can you tell the 90s RPG influence? Pretty sure at the time I was playing Arc the Lad on PS1 (imported) and had this song stuck in my head
But alas, I am a programmer not an artist, so even this little bit took damn near forever to "get out"
Fast forward to today, trying to teach myself guitar, but I don't have the self discipline, I keep going back to the easy drop C barred power chords and playing stuff like Stricken and Down with the Sickness.