There were flyers at my school that either said "WEAR JEANS ON MONDAY IF YOU ARE GAY" or "WEAR JEANS ON MONDAY IF YOU SUPPORT GAY RIGHTS." I really dont' remember which one. But I've always supported gay rights because being anti-gay is no better than being a racist. But my gay friend asked me if I wore jeans on Monday and I gave an enthusiastic "Yeah!" But afterwards, I thought about it and I wondered if he asked me because he thinks I was gay. If he did, my eager response doesn't make me sound so straight. Later, same guy tickled me - I really don't think he was flirting with me because I was falling asleep when I should have been studying for a test the next day...I just think he was just being goofy. Regardless, I felt uncomfortable as hell. But when he transferred college (Berkeley of all places..hahaha), I still hugged him and consider him my friend.