Eve Online players...


Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2004
Hey guys,

How does this game work? I had read about it a few times, but I am coming from an era where I really enjoyed oldschool Ultima Online (I played on some free shards after it went to crap). The PvP in UO is still better than anything out there right now, and that's partially because there was a tactical ability in it, coordination of attack (if you're in team PvP), combos (much like street fighter combos), and the 'twitch' factor was a little involved too.

I played WoW and got bored of PvP... it's the same thing, and each class is balanced against another, so if you're a rogue you can generally take out a mage if you are reasonably intelligence, a warrior can take out a rogue, etc etc... This isn't universally true, but partially true.

I just wanted to know how the PvP works, and if it's something that is worth investing my time for. Right now I'm waiting for DarkFall Online more than anything. No game looks better than that to me at this point in time. I've been playing CS:Source while I wait for it, but it seems to be more than a year away at this point.

Please let me know if can, with some details. I have never played so a brief overview of the point of the game and how it works would be greatly appreciated :)


Senior member
Feb 7, 2005
If you dont have months to spend on Eve building your skills, dont pvp and dont bother.

It is skill based game, like UO, open PVP, like UO. Skills grow over time even when your offline. Honestly, UO<Eve.



Platinum Member
Apr 5, 2004
Is there a lot of running around, finding a monster to kill over and over to get some skill up? I hate that level grinding that's found in WoW and all games like it.

I have months to spend -- Darkfall isn't out for a year :D


Senior member
Feb 7, 2005
You do know they have a 2 week trial? You can learn ALOT during that time.
I suggest you try it out. eve-online.com

You don't kill NPC's for experience . Your skills go up over time. Doesnt matter you kill 0 or 50000 NPC's.

There is no grinding in eve, the game is about ISK (Money) and PVP. You can kill other players for it, you could mine, you could trade, you could become a CEO and collect tax money, you could kill NPC's, you could randsom people, you could join a corp and help them win wars and collect money, you could do missions(quest), you could go solo and be a pirate YARRRRR.

What ever you want to be, you can be in Eve.

If your a hardcore PVPer, this game is for you!


Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2003
eve skill system is time based, but it doesn't allow you to queue up your skills. so lets say u have a lv 2 lazer skill that takes 22 hours to finish (which occurs even if you are not online). after 22 hours, if you don't log back in and change your skill to something else to learn, you arn't "leveling" your character. so essentially to level up your character, you train a long skill when u decide to logoff, and a shorter one when you are actually playing the game. some of the longer skills takes 1 month to complete. thats what got me sick of this game, the ONLY way to advance your character, is purely time, NOT time spent playing the game. thats why people that have accounts that are like 2 years old will always have an advantage over someone that just starts the game.

killing other people is hard if your a new player and most likely they will gank you instead.

mining is mind numbling boring, even with a group of people from you corp, some ppl read a book while mining,, lolzz.. im really playing this game for all its worth

trade is dull, won't get much money in safe space, and will get ganked at 0.0 space

being CEO just means being a leader of a guild. whoopdeedooo

killing NPC's, they are all the same.

ransom ppl. yeah, that happened to us b4.. more like griefing. hardcore PvP corps picking on new/weak PvP corps. griefing.

missions, their are only 4 different types based on your level, this was the time when i played. so you're doing exactly the same mission over and over again. again this game is not PvE at all.

solo pirate will get killed by pirate corps that work together. wow, its so fun waiting and waiting and waiting for a frigate to destroy that wanders in 0.0 space with your battle ship, or frigate lv 2 .

you have to be a hardcore PvP player, and you have to join a good corp. if you can't do both, you won't have fun for very long.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2003
Originally posted by: jjyiz28
eve skill system is time based, but it doesn't allow you to queue up your skills. so lets say u have a lv 2 lazer skill that takes 22 hours to finish (which occurs even if you are not online). after 22 hours, if you don't log back in and change your skill to something else to learn, you arn't "leveling" your character. so essentially to level up your character, you train a long skill when u decide to logoff, and a shorter one when you are actually playing the game. some of the longer skills takes 1 month to complete. thats what got me sick of this game, the ONLY way to advance your character, is purely time, NOT time spent playing the game. thats why people that have accounts that are like 2 years old will always have an advantage over someone that just starts the game.

killing other people is hard if your a new player and most likely they will gank you instead.

mining is mind numbling boring, even with a group of people from you corp, some ppl read a book while mining,, lolzz.. im really playing this game for all its worth

trade is dull, won't get much money in safe space, and will get ganked at 0.0 space

being CEO just means being a leader of a guild. whoopdeedooo

killing NPC's, they are all the same.

ransom ppl. yeah, that happened to us b4.. more like griefing. hardcore PvP corps picking on new/weak PvP corps. griefing.

missions, their are only 4 different types based on your level, this was the time when i played. so you're doing exactly the same mission over and over again. again this game is not PvE at all.

solo pirate will get killed by pirate corps that work together. wow, its so fun waiting and waiting and waiting for a frigate to destroy that wanders in 0.0 space with your battle ship, or frigate lv 2 .

you have to be a hardcore PvP player, and you have to join a good corp. if you can't do both, you won't have fun for very long.

You make a few good points, but let me clear one thing up that people always bring up about eve and that I always comment on and that is the part I have bolded above. Yes players 2 years old will have an advantage, but it is mostly due to experience and knowing how the game works.

Here is the thing, say you are training up to fly a frigate. The frigate skill has 5 levels. Training it to lvl 5 may take you two weeks. It also took that two year old player two weeks. Once you have trained it to level 5, you can't go any higher. To become a kick-ass frigate pilot(which is very usefull even to 2 year old players) it may take you a month with all the support skills and such. After that month you are 85% as good at flying frigates as that 2 year old player. The only difference is that most of your support skills are at lvl 4 and his are at lvl 5, only a small difference.

Now don't get me wrong, that two year old player does have other advantages(why would people keep playing if they didn't). He not only can fly frigates at level 5, he can also fly cruisers/battleships/recon ships/interceptors/ect at a good level. Each of those ships has their own usefull role in the game. However, your frigate is still usefull. His big ass battleship cannot hit you due to his guns poor accuracy. So you can put a warp disruptor on him and prevent him from getting away(Crucial!)

I just recenlty quit eve, but not due to disliking the game, I just don't have the time to play. I played for 3 years and was able to fly capital ships. Even then there is always something more to train for. I say give it a shot. You will either love it or hate it.



Golden Member
Dec 31, 2004
I've been playing the game for nearly 4 years ( august 1st 2003 ) with only a few short breaks in between.

The game is based on pure 100% economic theory. Economics is the study of what you do with what you have. This leads to opportunity cost and that cost is the entire basis of EVE Online. That is a p ure player vs player environment. You can never talk to a single soul in EVE and the moment you buy something off the market or NOT sell something on the market you have entered into the PVP aspects of the game.

Combat in EVE is very complex yet very simple. It plays a lot like any other MMO like City of Heroes or World of Warcraft but there are a few things such as speed, signature radius and transversal velocity that add 'player skill' to the basic formula.

Nowhere in EVE is safe, not even 'safe space.' There is always a risk you take. You can loose a freighter with billions of game credits worth in 'safe space' as long as your aggressor is ready to pay the price of being bad in safe space. They CANNOT permanantly tank the NPC Police, or its deamed an exploit, but as long as they choose to die by shooting you in safe space they can aggress you and kill you if they have enough firepower and tank to withstand NPC police ( aka Concord ) to do so.

Skills, as has been said, train over time. You start with 800k skillpoints in a variety of builds and you can train those skills up immediately. There are 5 levels to any given skill and each skill has a rank. Rank 1 has a 1.0 time multiplier meaning it trains parallel to real time. 1 minute is 1 minute. Capital Ship skills, for example, can have a Rank 16 multiplier which means it trains at 16x of a rank 1. Your character's stats have 5 areas that effect the speed at which you train as well. Combat are high perception and willpower while industry is memory and intelligence heavy. Your race and initial creation allow you to choose how you spread your stats.

As for how long it takes to become good at what you do it really depends on how you look at it. If you aren't a naive person and know what you want out of the game, and seek information, you can be very good at PVP from the second or third day playing the game. You don't need to spend months. Anyone saying otherwise is an elitist and/or someone who hasn't played since the Revelations patch, which allowed players to start with 800k Skill points over the 140k previously given out. A combat noob actually has some pretty good skills GIVEN to them and at lvl 5 to boot.

EVE is a strategy game that wraps you in a pure economic theorists wet dream. Its an open ended universe for the most part and industry and logistics are the absolute KEY to the game. Most PVPers that call the industrialists carebears really only refer to people who sit in empire space 100% of their gametime and make gobs of money they refuse to loose to 'griefers.' EVE is a game for griefers and the griefing of griefers. There are a lot of nice people playing and a lot of twats. PVP is the most hardcore in EVE over any game and people will do just about anything to have an immediate win, even try to out use game mechanics in shady ways.

In my opinion its the best game on the market and if you can envision something, and put the logistics into it then you can achieve great things. There is no 'winning' EVE. There is only leaving your mark in EVE. Persistence in the EVE universe is key and if you reach a goal and think thats it and quit... you are basically just a poker player that won a hand of blackjack and want quit before you loose. Thats no way to win imo... especially since its just space ship pixels on the internet.


Senior member
Jan 29, 2006
I played the trial and loved it. I stopped playing because I really wasn't pvping at all because I was too new and sucked. And it seemed as though I would have to train up months of skills to get better. Maybe if I had a better corp that allowed me to tag along for some battles and stuff. I really never got to see the PvP side. That being said, I'd be willing to try it again.


Apr 8, 2002
The beauty of this game imo is the offline skill advancement. No longer do I feel compelled to log in and grind for 4 hours a night to get the next level. I instead log when i am ready to fly around the universe mining or ratting. I havent delved much into pvp because I suck at it and my skills are low.

Some people hate the idea they cant power level themselves. If you have time, yeah that sucks. But many of the people in EVE have careers and families and are limited in our play time. It is very nice not having to worry about johnny college kid who skips all of his classes and grinds all day coming down the pipe to wtfpwn you because he has 27 hours a day to devote to the game and gain that power.

The economic side of the game fascinates me.

I also suggest to anybody who is new to run through agony unleashed PVP University. They do a great job of teaching you how to fit your ship, basic tactics, and other goodies. You end the session which typically runs a few hours by heading into 0.0 and looking for a fight. It is cool to see 40 nubs in frigates taking down T2 battleships with players who have tens of millions of skill points. The BS may take out 15-20 people out of the 40. But that is about 25-30 million isk loss vs several hundred million loss for that BS.



Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: effee
You forgot scamming for money

scamming anything as long as it isn't a bug or explicit game exploit is generally ok. You can even petition it so a GM will tell you.


Nov 23, 2001
I love hearing about good EVE scams... Although the classic one was the one orchestrated by ingame character Istvaan Shogaatsu from the GHSC (Guiding Hand Social Club) corp. Google it if you're interested, as I think it made the press at the time.

PVP in EVE is much more than just blowing up hostile players' ships. It's about taking over space, competition for scarce resources, political warfare, forum propaganda and influence, economic warfare...


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: doggyfromplanetwoof
You do know they have a 2 week trial? You can learn ALOT during that time.
I suggest you try it out. eve-online.com

You don't kill NPC's for experience . Your skills go up over time. Doesnt matter you kill 0 or 50000 NPC's.

There is no grinding in eve, the game is about ISK (Money) and PVP. You can kill other players for it, you could mine, you could trade, you could become a CEO and collect tax money, you could kill NPC's, you could randsom people, you could join a corp and help them win wars and collect money, you could do missions(quest), you could go solo and be a pirate YARRRRR.

What ever you want to be, you can be in Eve.

If your a hardcore PVPer, this game is for you!

Correction.......You don't grind levels or skills but you do grind for ISK to buy books to then train skills over time or to buy ships/items. ISK is the grind mechanic from mining, mission running or general pvp gate camping and ganking n00bs. You can't do much without the ISK to support your habits.