Ethernet v Wifi v Powerline. Practical help needed please?


Junior Member
Sep 24, 2015
Hi, I have the BT Master socket and Sky Router in a small office at the rear of my house. I get download speeds of up to 40Mbps via Sky Fibre Unlimited Pro (Fibre to cabinet not the house). I want to move my office upstairs to the front of the house. Wifi reception hasn't been brilliant so I bought a Sky Wifi Extender which is rubbish. To compound matters, I have a PC in the upstairs room running 3 CCTV cameras (via an ethernet switch), hard-wired into my Sky Router downstairs. The CCTV software records 1080p video on movement detection onto the PC's hard disk.

So, here's my question. I'm moving my office upstairs and putting the CCTV server in the attic out of the way. However, I don't think it'll get a signal from the Sky Router at the back of the house, especially with the bandwith needed for the cameras. I'd thought about having the BT Master Socket moved upstairs but my wife hates cables/trunking, and I fear Openreach will have cables running from the entry point under my porch, all over the place to get upstairs. I'd thought about a super-router and then someone suggested Powerline 1200, which I know isn't a true speed and can be degraded by all kinds of things with the electrical signal.

I need coverage upstairs, in the attic, downstairs (SkyHD+), and the conservatory. I'm approximately 3500 sq feet of living space.

Any experts got any suggestions? Thanks very much.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
There is No other Magic solutions.

You seem to know very well the Story and its "solutions".

With a little imagination additional Ethernet run can be laid on the Base boards covered Molding, and or, similar other Artefactual solutions.

Or (just kidding), replace the wife with One that is no "Allergic" to Cables.



No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
You have a hardline to upstairs already no? Just get a bigger gigabit switch if you need more ports.


Junior Member
Sep 24, 2015
@sdifox - yes there is but it's just hanging loose and looks ugly. It was only ever meant to be temporary.

@jackmds - she laughed when she read your reply.

I've discovered a phone socket in one of the upstairs bedrooms so I'm going to have my Master Socket located there with a router and ethernet from there. I'll keep the CCTV and household internet separate via a managed switch. Thanks again guys :)
Feb 25, 2011
I have had zero luck getting powerline to work, although every now and then I read about somebody who has it working great. Makes me sad.

Ethernet or bust. Wifi is okay for web browsing.