The issue with me is that I can't keep a regular diet/workout plan. I'm in the military and for the time being we're forced to eat fatty, deep-fried mess food, and our work hours are constantly changing. We often do shift work, longer shifts than usual, and often miss sleep. Not to mention random training exercises which require us to work on two hours of sleep per two days, and sometimes worse.
I know diet and sleep are crucial to getting in shape. The fact that I can't get either, nor can I get regular workouts is detrimental to my progress. I've come to rely on drastic measures to get the results I want.
I'm not satisfied with where I'm at, and for the next year my situation won't change.
Bodybuilding is a different game than being healthy. Not keeping a regular diet or workout plan is YOUR fault, not your body's fault. You're in the military. Great. Go check out for support and see how so many military guys stay in great shape without anything but discipline. You've chosen this path and now you need to create a plan accordingly.
Testosterone isn't a miracle grow for muscle. You know what it allows you to do? Work out MORE, longer, and harder. It improves recovery. If you don't have time to work out now, testosterone won't do a damn thing for you. Bodybuilders dedicate hours upon hours upon hours per day to lifting while on test cycles. If you don't have time just for general fitness, this is just going to age your body, increase your risk for heart disease, etc. I don't think you understand the physiology of what you're going to do. I do.
I've studied effects of HGH, testosterone, supplements, etc on performance. For any of them to have a proven benefit, high LOADS on the muscle are required. If you can't load the muscle consistently, then you won't have hypertrophy. I'm in my last year as an exercise biology major at UC Davis. Sadly for you, I'm a more reliable source about fitness and general health than your bodybuilding friend. Owning a gym means you have money and patrons. It means you're a businessman. It does NOT mean you know anything about the body at the macro or micro level.
Tell this guy to suck it. Testosterone is illegal because guys like this tell people to pop it like its candy. It severely damages people. You know Jose Canseco? He doped in major league baseball and now can't even feel normal due to his body's haulted testosterone production. Side effects include: lethargy, impotence, increase body fat, decreased lean muscle mass, increased risk of osteoporosis, and increase in cardiovascular disease. Do you really want that because a guy... who owned a gym... told you to? He has no degree. No certification of understanding what these things do. No understanding period. He makes bodybuilders - the most inefficient trainers in the world. Don't be such a sheep. Think for yourself. Go visit CrossFit for some military exercise support. No excuses, man.