Error when running IE from Run bar


Jan 17, 2003
When trying to run a web address from the run bar. I get an error stating that my associations are not correct. No matter if its .com, .net etc. Associations have not changed. ANy ideas?


Senior member
Mar 17, 2000
Just out of curosity, why are you trying to run IE from the command line?

Beyond that, I would update my virus protection to the latest definition files and run a full system scan.

Following that, Download and install SpyBot - Search and Destroy (v1.3) and see what that finds.

The general rule of thumb is that anything that interferes with normal communication it needs to be nuturalized before it causes more than this minor inconvenience. If this doesn't locate the problem, there are several other ways to search manually, but that is more involved and I don't want to bore you with a long explaination when it is likely not necessary.



Jan 17, 2003
this all started from the trial install of SWG from fileplanet. During install it tries to open an IE window to verify your logged in status with fileplanet. I did the install and if you have a window minimized where you are logged in, when you press next during install, it restores the window and gives you your serial)becuase your logged in). My buddy tried and he gets an error telling him that files associations are not set. But he checked and they are just like mine. The files it is trying to open was a .aspx file. To verify logged in status. So during our trial and error. We realized that you cant run any web adresses from the run line either. But on my PC you can. That seemed to reason why the install cant open a window either. We went to the address by hand, and got a serial. but becuase the install needs to get past this step, it crashes when it cant open the window.