EPSON 660 Printers Suck


May 8, 2001
I bought three of these printers about 18 months ago. Everyone of these pieces of junk no longr will print black. Used new cartridges, cleaned heads many times. Plain old junk.

What printer under a hundred bucks gives me the best bang for the buck and one that will last a few years?

Never but a bottom line Epson printer. The same thing happened to my Epson Stylus 600 a couple years ago. I just can't believe this.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Here, here, I bought 5 875dcs's last years and got my $ back on all five after the heads irreversibly clogged when I let them sit for a month. Epson support had the nads to tell me to clean the heads TWENTY times using the driver. Right. I did that for kicks and it completely drained on e $30 cartridge. Back to Epson they went. PLus, every photo not framed or in an album faded. Crap


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
This topic has been brought up a few times. There are a few ways of trying to unclog these ink jet heads. There is even a cleaning solution that you may want to try if the unit is out of warranty. There was a few good web sites out there, maybe you can so a google search on this topic.

What I did was use some rubbing alchol on the top of the inkhead where the ink gets sucked in. Let it soak in for awhile, maybe rub it around with a Q-tip a few times. Also try spray some air underneath the inhead area, and clean the rest pad on the right of the movable ink cartridge area with a link free whip or paper.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
>>What I did was use some rubbing alchol on the top of the inkhead where the ink gets sucked in. Let it soak in for awhile, maybe rub it around with a Q-tip a few times. Also try spray some air underneath the inhead area, and clean the rest pad on the right of the movable ink cartridge area with a link free whip or paper.

I tried that on printer #1 and #2. DIdn't work very well. After my 3-5th printer clogged, I wrote them off.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2001
Ditto on the Epson=suck sentiments. I killed mine trying to 'clean' it. They have great print quality but are worthless if you don't use them on a regular basis as the heads will clog. If you don't print regularly, get a printer that has the heads embedded in the cartridge like the HP models.

For < $100, the Lexmark printers have been getting good reviews, although they are slow.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Nothing beats Epson print quality, but their durability really does suck. My first printer was a HP Deskjet 660c or something, still running strong with no problems! I bought an Epson Stylus 600 after that, it died more than a year ago. Now the Epson Stylus 660 I have? I don't even use it, can't get rid of the damn streaks after cleaning the heads multiple times. Damn them... worst support too. Freaking costs around $60 to fix a printer? Screw that....


Jan 4, 2001
Geez; I've had an Epson 600 for almost 2 years; then gave it to my sister; that was a few months ago. The cartridges in there are about a year old, and have been refilled at least 30 times. The thing is still chugging out pages regularly.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It is recommended with these types of Epson printers to used them at least once every few weeks. Otherwise it is possible for the drying of the ink and clogging of the heads.


Senior member
Sep 2, 2001
My dad was using his Epson Stylus 600 Color for printing out large manuals from PDFs (100+ pages per). The printer is over 10000 pages and still going strong, although the ink isn't that cheap. We also have an Epson Stylus 440 Color, and it's doing well too. No complaints from me, although I hear the new Epsons have anti-refilling technology in the print cartridges. If you have clogged print heads, try methyl hydrate and swab along both sides of the print head (bottom side requires a flat chamois swab).

I also have a Lexmark Z52, and it works great BUT the ink dries out very very fast on it. It's to the point where I had to return the cartridge and they gave me a replacement. Plus, the install program had what I thought might have been spyware and had to hack the Win98 registry on my machine manually to stop it from monitoring. That was AFTER it had collided with ZoneAlarm and barfed on me... *grumble*


Apr 23, 2000
My Epson 600 had the same problem after 3 years of use,I could not be bothered to order cleaning cartridges and new inks just to see if it would fix the same problem you had,anyway I just received my new Epson C70 so will see how that goes on reliability.


May 8, 2001
Seems like at least a few of you have had this problem. The problems as started after not doing any printing with it for about 2-4 weeks. So I think ink. Always black though. Very seldom used the color. Still think that a decent printer running the right ink shouldn't clog up like that. Now that I think about it, I don't miss it as it was slow and loud. Oh well. Still have an old reliable laser that does a good job. Don't do a lot of colored printing but occasionally I'll get creative and dabble with some colors. I always like the quality that things things would do though. thinking that I might buy medium end Epson which is refurbed on the hot deal site. Maybe a lot of Epsons need to be serviced once then their OK. ?????????


Platinum Member
Jul 4, 2001
I bought an Epson Stylus 600 3 and a half years ago and it's still going strong.
As a matter of fact, I buy generic ink cartridges for it for about 4 or 5 dollars(!) on the net and they work as well as name brand. You can't do that with HP printers.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I also have had my Epson 600 for about 3 years. I had one of the color jets clog alittle, but managed to get it cleaned use the alchol technique described above. Since having that problem, I haven't had any others. I also use the printer alot more now then I use to.

I have used the inexpensive generics and even have refilled the cartridges several times. Not problems here.

Paid around $200-ouch- printers were not the cheap back then like they are now.