Epox 8KTA3+ (KT133A) and Duron 850 combo...need help doesn't post


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I put this combo together last night, got both items from the AT FS forum. All I'm getting is a continuous beeping when I turn it on. I've tried putting several different memory sticks in it and tried some different AGP and PCI vid cards. Nothing else is hooked up yet but those basics...what does the continuous beep mean? The diagnostic code says C1 but I think that's just the preliminary startup code.

Oh by the way the Duron had some slight chipping along one side...I've used another Athlon in the past that was more chipped than this
though and it worked fine, so didn't think much about it. I SUPPOSE I can put the Duron in this other 8KHA+ board I have just to make sure it works. But before I do, what does the beeping mean? It's continuous, every other second, not slower timed beeps.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Would it beep like this if I'm using PC100 memory instead of PC133? I thought I could get away with
PC100 since it's a 100 mhz fsb chip but maybe not...?

I have some PC133 on its way but it's gonna be a few days before I get it.


Mar 30, 2001
sounds like your duron is a little too chipped to use, try tesing another chip in the board, or the duron in another board, gonna be the only way to see if thats the problem


Jan 21, 2001
jumper jp5 (by the floppy controller) can be jumpered to pins 1-2 for pc100 ram.

continuous beeping for me in epox boards was ususlly ram not seated properly. the one exception if i remember correctly was continuous beeping when i had too much arctic silver on the traces on the cpu. wd 40 cured that. (not on the core though)

to test problems with motherboards i just use video card, ram and processor. leave the mouse and keyboard out and see if you get anything on the moniter.

also i do this out of the case on the desk to make sure nothing is grounded.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks for the ideas. I'll try the memory jumper.

I put the cpu into a KT266A board that I have and got...nothing. Wouldn't work in that either.

However those beeps ARE just exactly like the memory beeps; when I put the 2200+ back in
the KT266A board, I had forgot to put the DDR back in and it beeped like that. So gonna try
it again in the first board...one more time.

BTW what do you use for an ATX switch if you just have the mb sitting on the bench?
I think this is grounded okay though, the board does start up, wouldn't it just be dead if
it wasn't grounded correctly?


Jan 21, 2001
to start the atx mb i just touch the two pins of the power sw connector on the motherboard for a second. dont hold it on there.

if you tried the processor in another board and its not working i would guess its probably dead.

as far as grounding you never know. it would depend whats touching as to what would happen.
