Epox 8KHA+ is not working with my PS/2 Keyboards..


Nov 28, 2001
I have the HKHA+ Rev.2
I ordered all of my compnents from the Net and built the system myself just last night (Wednesday). When I tried to boot up it went to the screen that says something like "Press DEL to enter Setup". That is normal since it is a new system and the HD does not work yet (nothing in it). But when I try to press DEL it does not let me, as it seems that the keyboard is not working (I am using the same one right now, but with my laptop). I switched keyboards and the same thing happened, no response from the keyboard. And the weird thing is that it does not give me a "keyoard error". If it matters both are Logitech keyboards. Can I have a bad PS/2 connector on my keyboard or what?

btw, it checks the CPU and it displays the right one (AMD XP 1700+) and goes through the memory check and passes that. That is when it goes to the screen where it asks me to go into the BIOS.

If I go out and buy a USB keyboard, does the Epox KHA+ natively support USB keyboards when it is booting w/o any OS installed? I just want to be able to actually get into the BIOS.

Thanks ahead of time,


Elite Member
May 24, 2000
Two things to try...first, make sure you are plugging the keyboards into the right PS/2 port...the purple one is the right one. If that still doesn't work, it may be that the PS/2 port is bad, in which case you can RMA the board or just get a USB keyboard. The bios has support natively for a USB keyboard, and it will let you get into the bios with it. It also has support in the bios that can be enabled to be able to use the USB keyboard in DOS. Good luck...:)


Nov 28, 2001
I bought a USB keyboard (the one I am using right now). I plugged it in and booted up and it still did not work. Also something that I forgot to mention is that I get an error message that my Floppy Failed. Would this have to do with no keyboards being able to work?

How do I get it to recognize ANY keyboard of mine, USB or PS/2?



Golden Member
Jan 27, 2001
without more info......(i dont know what)....i would say the same as insane3d....RMA.....i have never heard of this problem....cant get into bios too.!!...damn..i dont know...
give you a bump for some other help......some one.?? anyone.???


Oct 19, 2001

<< I bought a USB keyboard (the one I am using right now). I plugged it in and booted up and it still did not work. Also something that I forgot to mention is that I get an error message that my Floppy Failed. Would this have to do with no keyboards being able to work? :frown: How do I get it to recognize ANY keyboard of mine, USB or PS/2? Joseph >>

It is normal that you have an error.. u have nothing on the HD.. so it will give you a floopy error.. until you put a boot disk to install an os
Like insane and panhead said, I would recommand you to RMA it. PS/2 is important.


Junior Member
Dec 8, 2001
I have a Epox 8KHA+ as well. When I first started my system up with the new motherboard I got an error like "Floppy Fail (40)" or something like that. My ps/2 keyboard and mouse worked fine. But the system wouldn't boot up. So I unplugged the floppy cable and floppy power and went into the bios to turn off the floppy. After I installed WinXP I plugged the floppy back into the mobo and turned on the floppy in the bios. Everything worked fine. Try switching the keyboard/mouse into opposite ps/2 ports. I've had success with doing this in the past.


Senior member
Mar 11, 2001
I installed the exact same system setup about 2 weeks ago with no problems.

Sounds like to me that you have the power cable to the floppy drive installed backwards. Try flipping it around. Also check to see if the ribbon cable for the floppy is correctly attached. If neither of these are the source, then you probably have a bad PS/2 port.

Good luck.


Dec 8, 2001
I am having the EXACT same problem! I haven't been able to figure it out yet and I'm feeling ready to RMA my board. Read my post "Is this mobo shot?" to see how my thing has been going.