EPOX 4SDA+ DDR SIS 645 478Pin, Raid. Good mobo?


Apr 9, 2002
Is this mobo gonna OC a p4 1.6A to 2.1@ 133 FSB? And will it get to 2.4? I know little about computers and Im getting a whole new system (I could make do with new HD,vid card,more ram but it wont last), I was choosing between a Duron 1.2,AXP 1800 or a p4 1.6A. The p4 seems best to me as long as I can get the above OC out of it.
I will use pc2700 DDR(it doesnt seem I will OC better with pc3300),Ive heard Samsung is best presently but I read a review where,unlike the other brands, you need to burn it in??!!??
The computer guy will be building it for me so burning in RAM= extra labour costs :(

That mobo is almost half the price here(New Zealand) than the EPOX 4DBA2+ which I heard is good also.
Does the 4SDA+ OC as well as the others and what features does it lack to make it so cheap?
I want to be able to do this LAN thing if needed,also I want decent onboard sound that will let me play loudish music.
Thanks very much for your help,this is the best forum on the net!


May 9, 2001
The Epox 4SDA(which I have) and the 4SDA+ are both fine motherboards. My P4-1.8A runs solid at 2.4 with 1.65v. My Samsung PC2700 RAM works fine at it's rated speed.

I saw that one review site that talked about "burning in" Samsung ram but I think that is nonsense. Besides, once your system is built you can play around with the settings and "burn it" in yourself. No need to pay somebody else to do that.

The Epox 4SDA boards are extremely overclocker friendly. Even for newbies. And you can run the RAM at ultra speeds which make it exceed RDRAM speeds. :D

The reason they are so cheap is because the SiS645 chip is not an Intel-based chipset but rather an Intel-licensed chipset. I could have bought a much more expensive board but went with what I thought would work best. I have no regrets.



Apr 9, 2002
Thanks man,ok so the 4SDA is great for OCing but what does it lack over the 4DBA2? Both are EPOX boards and not intel licensed then but here the 4DBA2+ is almost twice as expensive! They both carry AC97 sound so theres no upgrade to creative or anything else I can see. I have looked at the specs but they dont mean anything to me so I cant compare,unless the 4SDA is missing some amazing futureproof feature or missing LAN capabilty or something I spose Ill get it!