- Feb 29, 2004
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So I'm watching Global news the other day.....and there seems to be some new nonsense called 'Ethical' savings bonds...or something like that (it's a Canadian thing).
"....will not invest your money in environmentally-unfriendly areas such as: fossil fuels, nuclear power, and the military..."
...I was shocked. We can get the same amount of energy from a FY2003 $7 USD fuel rod as a ton of coal, while not spewing multiple tons of those nasty oxides into the atmosphere -- only steam -- and these idiots are trying to brainwash people with their FUD.
Nuclear power is the cleanest, cheapest, most reliable, and safest energy source we have. It doesn't pollute like coal or oil; and doesn't require 90,000 tons of coal per day or any of our precious oil. You can get more power than the Limestone hydro station, in northern Manitoba, with only two CANDU 6-class reactors -- and you don't need to mess with fish breeding or w/e and you don't need to flood the land. You see, hydro power isn't completely clean either -- on the Canadian Shield thousands of years of peat has built up which absorbs CO2, and when you flood the land the peat dies and starts to emit that CO2 back into the atmosphere. Also, the power density of nuke power is only about a thousand times that of wind turbines/solar power.
What about spent fuel? It would be a non-issue if our government allowed us to employ breeder reactors, which a CANDU can be configured as. This would also turn a 150-year supply of fissile uranium into about a 150 million year supply of fissile plutonium.
Safe? Nuclear reactors, if built and operated by competent people, are the safest things there are. Forget about Chernobyl -- in layman's terms they attempted to put out a fire with a gasoline injection (they had graphite extenders on their control rods -- graphite was the moderator in the RBMK reactor) while they had a good supply of pure oxygen lying around (virtually every safety system was designed for nominal conditions; and they weren't even operational during the test).
I seriously became pissed off when I saw this. I just don't know how uneducated people like this can be taken seriously without even having their 'data' looked over. F*cking idiots....
"....will not invest your money in environmentally-unfriendly areas such as: fossil fuels, nuclear power, and the military..."
...I was shocked. We can get the same amount of energy from a FY2003 $7 USD fuel rod as a ton of coal, while not spewing multiple tons of those nasty oxides into the atmosphere -- only steam -- and these idiots are trying to brainwash people with their FUD.
Nuclear power is the cleanest, cheapest, most reliable, and safest energy source we have. It doesn't pollute like coal or oil; and doesn't require 90,000 tons of coal per day or any of our precious oil. You can get more power than the Limestone hydro station, in northern Manitoba, with only two CANDU 6-class reactors -- and you don't need to mess with fish breeding or w/e and you don't need to flood the land. You see, hydro power isn't completely clean either -- on the Canadian Shield thousands of years of peat has built up which absorbs CO2, and when you flood the land the peat dies and starts to emit that CO2 back into the atmosphere. Also, the power density of nuke power is only about a thousand times that of wind turbines/solar power.
What about spent fuel? It would be a non-issue if our government allowed us to employ breeder reactors, which a CANDU can be configured as. This would also turn a 150-year supply of fissile uranium into about a 150 million year supply of fissile plutonium.
Safe? Nuclear reactors, if built and operated by competent people, are the safest things there are. Forget about Chernobyl -- in layman's terms they attempted to put out a fire with a gasoline injection (they had graphite extenders on their control rods -- graphite was the moderator in the RBMK reactor) while they had a good supply of pure oxygen lying around (virtually every safety system was designed for nominal conditions; and they weren't even operational during the test).
I seriously became pissed off when I saw this. I just don't know how uneducated people like this can be taken seriously without even having their 'data' looked over. F*cking idiots....