Originally posted by: FlashG
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: FlashG
What I was looking for
Right-wng paranoia.
Thats a little strong on your part. It?s not completely worthless and does contain some insight none the less.
If I point you to Das Capital by Marx, or to the writings of Keynes, or any other large body of an analogous ideology, will you promise to carefully respond to each point in it?
Of course you won't. Some things don't deserve detailed scrutiny.
The piece you linked contains the language of radical paranoia, including highly reactionary distortions regardng ACORN and Soros.
When they try to turn ACORN into a bogeyman threatening the future of the human race (to use a little hyperbole) instead of the modest group they are to increase the low registration rate among the poor, it's really enough to get the level of analysis in the document overall.
It's a little like a piece starting out with a claim the holocaust didn't happen, you can infer a lot about the credibility of the rest of the piece.
So, I don't think it's strong. Like most article, you could probably find some nuggets of truth, or at least arguable points, but I don't find them justifying the big flaws.
If you would like the alleged good points somewhere in it to be discussed, I suggest you pull them out and post them specifically, not expect the reader to do so.
I'll mention that one such 'nugget' is the basic idea of using crisis - manufactured or not - for its ability to let otherwise unacceptable policies get passed.
But I've discussed that a lot with references to the book "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein, and don't see anything this article adds to the topic as it distorts the issue.
In other words, while citing a valid thing - crisis getting bad policy passed - instead of looking at where it's happening, it invents it happening to get socialism passed.