Originally posted by: NasdaqTrader889
Assuming it comes back in stock before the sale ends is this the quality PSU Enermax makes?
HA! I called SVC customer support around this time (they aren't even available until 1:00pm EST) to ask if this power supply was the EG465P-VE-FM-24PIN and if it wasn't, did it still have SATA connectors and he said he didn't know, that I needed to e-mail tech support.
I told him I had done so three hours before but had not as yet received a reply. He told me there was a 24 turnaround time for replies
but not to worry, they would still have these in stock tomorrow. :roll:
Also, in my PS wanderings, I came accross
Enermax EG375P-VE SFMA ATX12V V1.3 Noisetaker 370 Watt Power Supply @ Newegg for the same $39.99 price as the EG465P @ SVC. That is almost $20 cheaper than
anywhere else, including Monarch and ZipZoomFly! The shipping to the East Coast is cheaper than SVC as well.
Unlike the EG465P in the OP, it has SATA connectors, and a 3 year warranty, but probably not a 24 pin connector, as it is V1.3.
Despite the lower wattage rating, it is truly comparable to the EG465P.
Here it is tested against an EG465P and a Fortron in an overclocked system and comes through with flying colors.