As a business owner for several years now my employees have never given me a damn thing for any holiday so I don't expect anything different this year.
In years past we have always given our employees a gift basket of goodies (candy, fruit, coffees etc), a gift card to a restaurant, and a small cash bonus. This was all done at a luncheon we either had catered or took the employees out to somewhere.
This year will be considerably less - restaurant gift card, small christmas candy container, company lunch totes with their names embroidered on them and lunch on us. NO cash bonus this year.
In all honesty I better not hear any complaining as they all kept their jobs, no cut in pay/hours, we still cover 100% of their insurance, they still get 3 weeks paid vacation a year, AND we are still matching their 401k. They also get a luncheon and cash bonus from us at the end of each tax season as well as a full day off with pay.