Email Tracing. SERIOUS Problem with slander and I need to find out the source. asap... PLEASE help.


Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
I'm working real hard trying to find employment and I found out tonight that someone emailed a business to which I sent a resume. The email was totally malicious and I am extremely P.O.'d. This is not the first itme this has happened. I called the police several months ago regarding a simular incident and they said they could'nt do anything. Is that true? There's got to be a way I can trace an email sent through yahoo isn't there? Please come thru for me some bright person out there. Please. I'm a grown man with a house and I need a job. :frown::confused:


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2001
Does someone know the user/pwd to your email account? Maybe someone is logging in to your account and seeing who you emailed (wait, did you email the resume in or send it in?) and then they are going and emailing the business later?

Clarify a little.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2002
Someone emailed the business using your email address? Or using a different email? Either way, the header of the email would be helpful to us.


Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
it's even worse. they emailed the company I sent the resume to and the address (letterhead) they made up was that of an employment outfit that is trying to help me find a job. worse yet, this employment help is coming from the State of WI!


Jun 12, 2001
Someone did that with my hotmail account, trying to promote their Ebay auction. I found out because they sent it to my OTHER ebay account!


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: JJd
it's even worse. they emailed the company I sent the resume to and the address (letterhead) they made up was that of an employment outfit that is trying to help me find a job. worse yet, this employment help is coming from the State of WI!

Have a representative of the employment agency verify the message or have the company you sent the resume' to call the employment agency to verify the email.

Just as everyone has already posted, you need to give us more information if we're able to help you any further. If a person sent a email message to your prospective (hope to be) employer, they are the only people that can allow you to see the email message. Within the email message is a email header and you can see where the message originated from. Again, this information is on THEIR computer!

Besides, why would they trust a email message coming from Yahoo? If they think it's a authentic message, go find a job somewhere else because they're obviously idiots!



Senior member
Apr 20, 2000
OK here's the thing. I came home and on my answering machine is a message from JobNet. The person working with me is Carrie. Carrie says on the message...John (me), company x HR person is a friend of mine. she got your resume and another email with some nasty stuff about you. this email has my address on it. now when she says 'my" she means HERS at job net.
I don't have the header here at home. I'll see it tomarrow when I go to JobNet.
Nobody has my PW to my email account "I don't think". Yes, I did email the resume to company x with a CCopy to Carrie at JobNet. Follow me? and thanks.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
If she received the other (Bad) message in outlook or Outlook Express, just simply right mouse click on the message and select properties. This will show you the originating SMTP server (email) who sent it.

She should also have the return email address from where it came from, but in either case, if it came from your Yahoo account (Which sounds like it may be compromised) close your email account on Yahoo and inform everyone who you've sent email to (either by a new email address or by phone, snailmail whatever) that your Yahoo account has been misused and no one is to trust any messages originating from your old address.

Word of advise: Don't use Yahoo anymore. Get a standard email address from a local ISP and forget those free email services. They just cause problems.



Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2000

So the company's HR department got an Email from Carrie@Jobnet with nasty stuff about you?


Jul 25, 2001
<<So the company's HR department got an Email from Carrie@Jobnet with nasty stuff about you? >>

Thats exactly what it sounds like.

Here's my question, are you sure these attacks are personal towards just you? Ask her if it's happen to anyone else. Since the company is actually based out of WI, someone would have to go to some trouble to find out who you were using for a employment company since it's not local. Can you think of who you have told that you were using that company? Otherwise how would anyone know? IS there anyone you've pissed off lately who has seems to have hacking abilities?

I'm with LANMAN, get a real email account. Your ISP should give you serveral emails, so create one you can use solely for this. Just use some form of your real name.

Also i'd try to change the password to your email account and have her do the same.

Have you scanned your computer for all trojans and key sniffers? I know this sounds silly, but it's worth a shot to be sure someone doesnt have access to your computer and can see your files, then spoofs her email and sends out emails about you. Just a long shot.

I'd definately change your password ASAP and quit using a web based email.

Next step, call the FBI and have her forward the email to them.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
You need to describe in more detail what is happening, everyone in this thread is still guessing.

Did your jobnet person get an email from you that you didn't send? Did the employeer get an email from someone (neither your address or jobnet)? Or did Jobnet get an email from you about the job? Or did Jobnet get an anon email about you?

After you find out exactly what is happening you need to get a FULL copy of the email. This means you need the full text email with ALL headers. If you email me a copy of that email with all the headers intact and tell me what exactly happened I will run a scan on the email and try to find the root origin of the email. If the email wasn't sent from an open relay it will be traceable. It will require work on your part and fullfilling my request that you provide the full email and accurate description of what happened.

Let me know via PM if your interested in my help.