- Dec 1, 2014
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In this weeks edition of "Elevenpog rates random shit that he is thinking about while at work" I will rank ice cream flavors.
Being that there are so many ice cream flavors out there this exhaustive, and highly official and non-negotiable, list will be summed up to the top three flavors. Without further ado:
Coming in at number three we have: Chocolate.
That's right, plain old chocolate. Certain brands rate better than others, but the flavor of chocolate comes in at a solid third. It's fairly universal, and a very popular flavor. No frills with this flavor. No extra chunks required. Just the chocolate.
Number two by a large margin is: Vanilla bean. What is this you say? Vanilla in at number two, beating chocolate? Yes, but not just plain vanilla. It has to be vanilla bean. There is a difference, and if you don't think so then fuck you. Vanilla can be turned into almost any flavor. So it's kind of like the 'clear' version of the color wheel. Vanilla also pairs with unlimited amounts of secondary deserts. Chocolate cake and vanilla bean ice cream? Hell yes. Vanilla bean and peach cobbler? Mmmm. You got my vote. #2 it is for Vanilla bean ice cream.
And finally at the top of all other ice cream flavors in the entire world, the entire universe probably, the unmistakable heavyweight champion of the world: Pralines and creaaaaaaaaaaaaam!
That's right, pralines and cream is by far the best ice cream, beating out all other flavors all the way to the top of flavor awesomness mountain.
So that wraps up this weeks episode of 'Elevenpog rates'. Remember that this is an official list and not up for debate. If you haven't tried pralines and cream then you really need to re-evaluate your life choices.
Being that there are so many ice cream flavors out there this exhaustive, and highly official and non-negotiable, list will be summed up to the top three flavors. Without further ado:
Coming in at number three we have: Chocolate.
That's right, plain old chocolate. Certain brands rate better than others, but the flavor of chocolate comes in at a solid third. It's fairly universal, and a very popular flavor. No frills with this flavor. No extra chunks required. Just the chocolate.
Number two by a large margin is: Vanilla bean. What is this you say? Vanilla in at number two, beating chocolate? Yes, but not just plain vanilla. It has to be vanilla bean. There is a difference, and if you don't think so then fuck you. Vanilla can be turned into almost any flavor. So it's kind of like the 'clear' version of the color wheel. Vanilla also pairs with unlimited amounts of secondary deserts. Chocolate cake and vanilla bean ice cream? Hell yes. Vanilla bean and peach cobbler? Mmmm. You got my vote. #2 it is for Vanilla bean ice cream.
And finally at the top of all other ice cream flavors in the entire world, the entire universe probably, the unmistakable heavyweight champion of the world: Pralines and creaaaaaaaaaaaaam!
That's right, pralines and cream is by far the best ice cream, beating out all other flavors all the way to the top of flavor awesomness mountain.
So that wraps up this weeks episode of 'Elevenpog rates'. Remember that this is an official list and not up for debate. If you haven't tried pralines and cream then you really need to re-evaluate your life choices.