I've been in contact with Staples customer service regarding this issue (my flash drive still hasn't shipped). And I have to say I've been very impressed with how helpful they have been. I just recieved this email.
We appreciate your inquiry concerning this issue, Ian.
I have received and reviewed your rebate via fax. This is what I have found out about the rebate.
The item is being shipped directly from the manufacturer to you, which is why there is such a
lengthy shipping time frame. However, the 10-day postmark period for the rebate will not begin until
the order has billed, that is when the manufacturer considers the item purchased. You will receive
this item in time to take advantage of the rebate. You will not be billed until the item is out for
delivery, which will give you plenty of time to take advantage of the rebate. If you have any
problems with getting the manufacturer to accept the rebate, please contact us.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please do not hesitate to contact us
if you require further assistance.
Thank you for your patience concerning this matter.
Staples Customer Service Supervisor