ECCp-109 Team Stats as of (Mon Sep 10 12:06:26 2001)


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2001
Team Anandtech

Total DP : 2344072
Team Total: 272934
new DP since last update: 3870
User : DP new DP (% of team total)
01. DnetMHZ : 33310 ...+ 769 (12.204416%)
02. [TA]DroolMAN! : 31019 ...+ 11 (11.365019%)
03. Team_AnandTech_Federation : 24827 ...+ 46 (9.096338%)
04. kmmatney : 23920 ...+ 162 (8.764024%)
05. Jagators : 19715 ...+ 1292 (7.223358%)
06. MereMortal : 15595 ...+ 59 (5.713836%)
07. otlg22 : 11666 ...+ 401 (4.274293%)
08. Distributed : 9957 ...+ 43 (3.648135%)
09. Jutral : 8603 ...+ 0 (3.152044%)
10. Farlander42 : 5491 ...+ 52 (2.011842%)
11. Rendus : 4899 ...+ 28 (1.794939%)
12. AppleTalking : 4742 ...+ 0 (1.737416%)
13. jittles : 4621 ...+ 4 (1.693083%)
14. hai1039 : 4604 ...+ 8 (1.686855%)
15. partx : 3906 ...+ 0 (1.431115%)
16. KifArU-Team_Anandtech : 3867 ...+ 0 (1.416826%)
17. TheReaper-TeamAnandTech : 3798 ...+ 534 (1.391545%)
18. Daweasal : 3769 ...+ 58 (1.380920%)
19. tweakmm : 3197 ...+ 0 (1.171345%)
20. KGBMAN : 3170 ...+ 31 (1.161453%)
21. hymy : 3076 ...+ 13 (1.127012%)
22. TACube : 2929 ...+ 3 (1.073153%)
23. Chipster22 : 2905 ...+ 5 (1.064360%)
24. TOOCOOL : 2856 ...+ 36 (1.046407%)
25. [TA]Nic_Colt : 2831 ...+ 76 (1.037247%)
26. Thyme : 2599 ...+ 23 (0.952245%)
27. 27echo : 2473 ...+ 0 (0.906080%)
28. SphincterLord : 2448 ...+ 59 (0.896920%)
29. nexus : 2448 ...+ 0 (0.896920%)
30. TA|phatstyl : 2429 ...+ 0 (0.889959%)
31. CyberWire : 2012 ...+ 0 (0.737175%)
32. Hawkeye : 1938 ...+ 62 (0.710062%)
33. nukefarmer : 1827 ...+ 4 (0.669393%)
34. SlangNRox : 1597 ...+ 0 (0.585123%)
35. mmurdock : 1555 ...+ 20 (0.569735%)
36. LANMAN : 1492 ...+ 0 (0.546652%)
37. Gatsby : 1356 ...+ 0 (0.496823%)
38. Ken_g6 : 988 ...+ 1 (0.361992%)
39. dseidl : 806 ...+ 5 (0.295309%)
40. TheNakedCrackers : 715 ...+ 0 (0.261968%)
41. Juran : 673 ...+ 0 (0.246580%)
42. EdwinFinland : 666 ...+ 0 (0.244015%)
43. thepachman : 646 ...+ 0 (0.236687%)
44. vcdunk : 615 ...+ 14 (0.225329%)
45. richardlehman : 562 ...+ 0 (0.205911%)
46. Athlex-TeamAnandtech : 408 ...+ 0 (0.149487%)
47. talisman : 400 ...+ 0 (0.146556%)
48. jlarsson : 399 ...+ 0 (0.146189%)
49. ThomasL[TA] : 324 ...+ 13 (0.118710%)
50. BitSpit : 282 ...+ 7 (0.103322%)
51. rendus : 226 ...+ 0 (0.082804%)
52. danzigrules : 217 ...+ 0 (0.079506%)
53. NOendINsight : 196 ...+ 0 (0.071812%)
54. farlander42 : 180 ...+ 0 (0.065950%)
55. nexus9 : 163 ...+ 0 (0.059721%)
56. jliechty : 158 ...+ 21 (0.057889%)
57. SnO : 148 ...+ 0 (0.054226%)
58. kantana : 136 ...+ 10 (0.049829%)
59. pry : 123 ...+ 0 (0.045066%)
60. [TA]Slowbones : 109 ...+ 0 (0.039936%)
61. Vince : 94 ...+ 0 (0.034441%)
62. TA_LANMAN : 79 ...+ 0 (0.028945%)
63. NccOps : 57 ...+ 0 (0.020884%)
64. rebldomine : 35 ...+ 0 (0.012824%)
65. Crackers : 26 ...+ 0 (0.009526%)
66. aswedc : 21 ...+ 0 (0.007694%)
67. thecool1 : 21 ...+ 0 (0.007694%)
68. PeterN : 9 ...+ 0 (0.003298%)
69. Kantana : 3 ...+ 0 (0.001099%)
70. CyberDuck : 2 ...+ 0 (0.000733%)


Total DP : 2344072
Team Total: 206395
new DP since last update: 1499
User : DP new DP (% of team total)
01. Randy48 : 34520 ...+ 0 (16.725211%)
02. RC : 20818 ...+ 169 (10.086485%)
03. izzzy12k : 16619 ...+ 21 (8.052036%)
04. engracio : 12150 ...+ 74 (5.886771%)
05. Jig-Miester : 12095 ...+ 70 (5.860123%)
06. auatech : 11239 ...+ 24 (5.445384%)
07. Sloth : 10756 ...+ 0 (5.211367%)
08. viztech : 8549 ...+ 63 (4.142058%)
09. Twioz : 8269 ...+ 0 (4.006396%)
10. fshanda : 5422 ...+ 87 (2.627002%)
11. Undeadlord : 5398 ...+ 20 (2.615373%)
12. NoCtrl : 3930 ...+ 48 (1.904116%)
13. Bones1 : 3851 ...+ 109 (1.865840%)
14. Jani : 3804 ...+ 0 (1.843068%)
15. eweruk : 3739 ...+ 0 (1.811575%)
16. foth : 3591 ...+ 204 (1.739868%)
17. Kabuki : 3239 ...+ 43 (1.569321%)
18. Skuz : 2818 ...+ 16 (1.365343%)
19. ragtop : 2496 ...+ 11 (1.209332%)
20. thehig : 2448 ...+ 0 (1.186075%)
21. virus : 2441 ...+ 10 (1.182684%)
22. kriisten : 2299 ...+ 103 (1.113884%)
23. Rayven : 2220 ...+ 220 (1.075607%)
24. Haynboi : 2213 ...+ 0 (1.072216%)
25. charmler : 1973 ...+ 43 (0.955934%)
26. Pulsar : 1894 ...+ 10 (0.917658%)
27. darrelld : 1894 ...+ 35 (0.917658%)
28. bthom70 : 1617 ...+ 10 (0.783449%)
29. reddog : 1499 ...+ 7 (0.726277%)
30. neo770 : 1466 ...+ 0 (0.710289%)
31. BKehoe : 1430 ...+ 0 (0.692846%)
32. Smokey : 1333 ...+ 27 (0.645849%)
33. F4_Hunter : 1155 ...+ 0 (0.559607%)
34. ssgmess : 1112 ...+ 0 (0.538773%)
35. yes : 866 ...+ 0 (0.419584%)
36. RCN_Moose : 812 ...+ 20 (0.393420%)
37. daveleau : 714 ...+ 0 (0.345939%)
38. jnas : 667 ...+ 18 (0.323167%)
39. Maximum_Confusion : 609 ...+ 7 (0.295065%)
40. Tony2X : 465 ...+ 0 (0.225296%)
41. Sheriff : 430 ...+ 0 (0.208338%)
42. tarpat1 : 331 ...+ 0 (0.160372%)
43. surrealchereal : 279 ...+ 0 (0.135178%)
44. Jokostel : 238 ...+ 28 (0.115313%)
45. Doup93 : 197 ...+ 0 (0.095448%)
46. knothead : 137 ...+ 0 (0.066378%)
47. OC_Guy : 127 ...+ 0 (0.061532%)
48. bwkaz : 111 ...+ 0 (0.053780%)
49. Dr_Label : 65 ...+ 0 (0.031493%)
50. Cody : 33 ...+ 0 (0.015989%)
51. golfcart : 10 ...+ 2 (0.004845%)
52. BGod : 4 ...+ 0 (0.001938%)
53. Wizzard~Of~Ozz : 3 ...+ 0 (0.001454%)

Top 100

8. Randy48 : 34520
10. DnetMHZ : 33310
11. [TA]DroolMAN! : 31019
13. Team_AnandTech_Federation : 24827
14. kmmatney : 23920
19. RC : 20818
22. Jagators : 19715
27. izzzy12k : 16619
30. MereMortal : 15595
38. engracio : 12150
39. Jig-Miester : 12095
43. otlg22 : 11666
48. auatech : 11239
50. Sloth : 10756
55. Distributed : 9957
62. Jutral : 8603
63. viztech : 8549
65. Twioz : 8269
93. Farlander42 : 5491
95. fshanda : 5422
96. Undeadlord : 5398

Today's MMs



Golden Member
Jul 27, 2000
11. Rendus : 4899 ...+ 28 (1.794939%)

Whoa.. What? How? I've moved all but one computer to SETI, and that last computer is a K6-2 333. A lowly K6-2 333 producing what is normally half my output? I'm guessing it just got lucky and found a bunch of DPs :)