Seller. Sold a brand new, factory sealed product about 6-7 weeks ago now.Are you the seller or the buyer?
Seller. Sold a brand new, factory sealed product about 6-7 weeks ago now.
I've made the mistake before of leaving feedback first, and never having feedback left in return. Now, I withhold leaving feedback until they leave it first, so at least we're even this time around.
And there's the problem. As the purchaser, once I've paid, my part of the deal is done. I expect feedback. I'll leave feedback for the seller after I've received the goods.Seller. Sold a brand new, factory sealed product about 6-7 weeks ago now.
I've made the mistake before of leaving feedback first, and never having feedback left in return. Now, I withhold leaving feedback until they leave it first, so at least we're even this time around.
You should have left feedback for the buyer once his end of the transaction was complete, which sounds like happened some time ago. This mickey mouse game concerning feedback on ebay is such horseshit.
How common are eBay users who don't leave feedback? I've ran into them more than once.
I find it to be very poor etiquette, especially considering I politely remind them with a generic message a few days after feedback is due.
The only time I never leave feedback is if i receive a note from the seller asking for feedback. BACK THE FUCK OFF!