Can I choose not to cross-promote my other items to buyers?
Yes. Although it is not generally recommended, you can turn off cross-promotions for all your listings by doing the following:
Go to My eBay and click the "eBay Preferences" link under My Account in the left-hand navigation.
Under Seller Preferences, click the "Change" link for the preference "Participate in eBay cross-promotions."
Select the "Do not cross-promote my items" option, then click the Save Settings button.
If you're an eBay Store seller, you can turn off cross-promotions for listings from a particular Store category. When you set up your default cross-promotions, create a rule specifying that when someone views (or bids on or wins) an item from a category, no items are promoted. Under "Promote items matching these criteria," select "None" from the Store category pull-down menu and leave the Keywords field empty.