E EmperorNero Golden Member Jun 2, 2000 1,911 0 0 Oct 2, 2000 #1 for example, you're handed this 20 page report...what font would you prefer to have it in? such as times new roman, verderna, etc.
for example, you're handed this 20 page report...what font would you prefer to have it in? such as times new roman, verderna, etc.
F FrogDog Diamond Member Jan 12, 2000 4,761 0 0 Oct 2, 2000 #2 I use Verdana almost always now. 10 point I find is the best size for it.
E EmperorNero Golden Member Jun 2, 2000 1,911 0 0 Oct 2, 2000 #3 oops, I spelled "verdana" wrong - thanks frogdog.
L loup garou Lifer Feb 17, 2000 35,132 1 81 Oct 2, 2000 #5 I usually go with Arial also. If I really hate the person, Wingdings or Symbol...jk
V Viper GTS Lifer Oct 13, 1999 38,107 433 136 Oct 2, 2000 #6 I've lately taken a liking to Garamond. And now the real reason for my post... A test: :Q [EDIT]Well I'll be damned... It worked. Cool![/EDIT] Viper GTS
I've lately taken a liking to Garamond. And now the real reason for my post... A test: :Q [EDIT]Well I'll be damned... It worked. Cool![/EDIT] Viper GTS
X xtreme2k Diamond Member Jun 3, 2000 3,078 0 0 Oct 2, 2000 #9 verdana is actually a pretty good font tahoma is also good with bold headings