EA back at it, Sim City 5 will be online/Origin dependent


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2010
Good news: If you want to download SimCity somewhere other than Origin, you'll have the option to do so. An EA representative confirmed with Joystiq that the title would be available for purchase on other digital distribution platforms, though a list of stores has yet to be finalized. SimCity is arriving sometime in 2013.

Lead designer Stone Librande confirmed that SimCity would be an internet-dependent experience. Players will need to be online on Origin while playing, even if that wasn't the point of purchase. The always-on connection becomes necessary with the game's emphasis on multiplayer and regional impact, and the use of a global economy that all players can influence.



Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I'm pretty much at the point of saying goodbye to Origin. I literally told a customer service rep off recently for repeating the same thing to me over and over without offering any assistance of any kind.

There customer support is literally like talking to a Bot with Indian accent.

I've never had a SINGLE problem with Steam. Not one.

I've had at least 3 problems with Origin... the worst one being I formatted a computer that had crashed.... and when I went to reinstall the Games, I was denied by Origin for exceeding my license or some horse crap like that... (I didn't deactivate my games before formatting, simply because I couldn't). It took Origin a week of complaining before my Games were reinstated. I find this unacceptable.

You're telling me if something goes wrong with your PC and you can't deactivate your game installs, they block you from reinstalling?

I also had this problem happen a 2nd time with NFS Hot Pursuit. I posted about it here. It was my fault as I honestly forgot to uninstall before a Format... and guess what, blocked again. Call and complain again.
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Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Why is this an issue? Pretty much any new title out there needs to be online to play these days. Just because it's Origin? You people are so damn petty.


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2005
Why is this an issue? Pretty much any new title out there needs to be online to play these days. Just because it's Origin? You people are so damn petty.

I don't do online games - period.

I dont' care who's the Monitor - Steam, Origin, Ubisoft, etc.
I just don't want to play online and be subjected to the plethora of twits on Internet, I get more than what I care for of that from real life.

This is just another money grab (monthly fees?) and power control (DRM) scenario.

Sorry, I was looking forward to this game, but now it's toast.



Golden Member
Sep 16, 2010
Why is this an issue? Pretty much any new title out there needs to be online to play these days. Just because it's Origin? You people are so damn petty.

No, it's because Origin spy on your computer way more than all the other services, so I refuse to install it. Send my browser data?? fuck off. I have a rock solid fiber connection so I don't give two craps about always online or not, but I'm not installing EA spyware.

Granted I don't have much interest in BF3 or ME3 so it's not a big deal, but I am interested in Simcity. Or should say I was. If Origin in required I won't be getting it. Well at least I saved the money.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
wow guess i won't be buying this anymore. why do i need to be online to build a city, i could care less about others around me, i just want to build and wreck my own city.
i'll continue to play simcity 4 i guess


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
It's not about online DRM being bad, its about ORIGIN (and EA) being bad. Had to install it for ME3 and every single one of my friends hated it in comparison to steam.


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2008
I dont get all the hate for Origin. I've had it for a while now and not a single issue.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Why is there a thread about this? EA has already established that their games going forward are Origin required. This isn't new, unexpected, or news.


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2005
Why is there a thread about this? EA has already established that their games going forward are Origin required. This isn't new, unexpected, or news.

This is news to me.

I guess we need a tag to Ignore anything EA in that case . . .



Aug 14, 2001
I don't do online games - period.

I just don't want to play online and be subjected to the plethora of twits on Internet, I get more than what I care for of that from real life.
Same here. Griefers, trolls, morons, attention whores, etc... Maybe they'll clue in and have some non-online s/p availability.

Orrrrrrr maybe not.


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2006
Personally I hate the trend towards online only. Diablo 3 is going that way despite the fact that I will never play a multi-player game. ME3 ditto, and KoA:R as well.

Not a big fan of Steam or of Origin. Or even Battlenet. Although it does seem to be the wave of the future.

I am reminded of a statement that Bill Gates made back in the 80s about how his vision of the future. He was of the opinion that computers wouldn't have hard drives anymore and that everything would be what we now call cloud computing. Although we haven't fully realised that future yet, it does seem to be going that way.

As for the issues between Origin and Steam, I actually have had an issue with Steam. Maybe that puts me in the minority, but it literally wouldn't shut down and therefore prevented my computer from shutting down at all short of a hard boot. Issue is fixed now, but goes to show that any online application like that can cause problems.

Yada, yada yada. Sure EA is the evil empire. They both have their hooks in us these days. either get used to it or join the revolution.


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2008
Love steam, and try to buy all my games through there, but my one experience i had with origin support was good.

I bought BF3 from origin, and after i couldnt solve the problems i was having they gave me a refund. The CS rep did a good job, and i couldnt have asked for more from them.

On the other hand, im not wild about installing more software. I love steam, and wish i could just load up whatever games i bought through origin from steam. The fact that you HAVE to use origin kinda sucks. The web interface with BF3 was a little weird too.

I dont think its enough to make me not buy a game that i wanted really bad though. I mean, im somewhat excited for diablo 3, and if i had to install origin to play it i would have no problem. Might be a little upset but oh well. That story about the installs was crap though, id be pissed too.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Because it's EA and it's really cool if you don't like them because they're big and rich.

No because origin is a steaming pile of crap. It's like an early version of steam except this had already existed over 4 years ago. If they had paid ANY attention to this thing in the past decade it would be an actual competitor to steam, but as of right now the integration doesn't work half the time, the interface is a maze to navigate and there isn't even a group/mic chat. Did I mention the friends list is down half the time so you can't even play games with your friends?

Not everyone's trying to be "edgy" and "cool" like a teenager in high school, there are very legitimate reasons for not liking origin.


Feb 8, 2004
like it or not (i don't like it) that this will be a common place now for vid game publishers.

Which is fine, if its steam. If its origin BS or GFWL or some other crap they can GTFO. I made one exception for BF3 and that was the only one.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2011
I am reminded of a statement that Bill Gates made back in the 80s about how his vision of the future. He was of the opinion that computers wouldn't have hard drives anymore and that everything would be what we now call cloud computing. Although we haven't fully realised that future yet, it does seem to be going that way.

ISPs are actually blocking us from going towards that because of data caps (which are, of course, complete BS).


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2008
ISPs are actually blocking us from going towards that because of data caps (which are, of course, complete BS).

They have to raise the limits sooner or later though. But then the cost that people will no longer spend on cable TV, cell phone minutes, texts, etc, will just translate into higher prices for the internet. So basically these companies will find a way to get the same amount of money out of you without having to innovate, or compete.

Just a year or so ago, i had unlimited data on my phone for $10 a month. (still have unlimited now, but its 30 and throttled etc.) imagine anyone offering that in the future, when you know you can consume any type of media, and make all calls texts through it for 10 a month. A similar service in the not to distant future will probably cost >100 dollars once they fully figure out how to screw people.

kinda sad.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
Same here. Griefers, trolls, morons, attention whores, etc... Maybe they'll clue in and have some non-online s/p availability.

Online authentication != multiplayer experience

No because origin is a steaming pile of crap. It's like an early version of steam except this had already existed over 4 years ago. If they had paid ANY attention to this thing in the past decade it would be an actual competitor to steam, but as of right now the integration doesn't work half the time, the interface is a maze to navigate and there isn't even a group/mic chat. Did I mention the friends list is down half the time so you can't even play games with your friends?

Not everyone's trying to be "edgy" and "cool" like a teenager in high school, there are very legitimate reasons for not liking origin

That's not entirely fair given that the Origin program itself was first released not even a year ago and we have no way of knowing how much (or how little) of EADM and previous services actually made it into Origin. Plus it's not that long ago that Steam was cast in a similar light, it took years for it to build a good name for itself despite having Valve (highly popular) behind it. Origin on the other hand is fairly new (hence, immature) and has EA behind it (which causes irrational nerdhate); bit of a handicap.

Steam was absolutely vilified when it was required for HL2 (not all that many years ago) and really didn't have a good name until it started becoming known for it's Steam sales; not the software itself. It still has it's shortcomings. Customization is basically nil, organizing games is time consuming and extremely limited, Steam 'trading' (as well as in game trading) is unreliable, and it lags on occasion when browsing the store or using the System Tray menu (for me at any rate). Also the inability to adjust installation directories/drives in such a mature product is kind of hard to believe.

How that stacks up against Origin I'm not really in a position to say, Origin installed with SWTOR for me but I haven't had a need to use it at all yet (and it didn't add anything to my start up sequence, unlike Steam) so I have no qualms with it. But for completeness' sake Steam definitely has problems of it's own.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
Is this going to have multiplayer? Would be cool if you could trade resources and visit each others towns and stuff. Maybe with stats in battlelog.

Yes, it has multiplayer. http://pc.ign.com/articles/122/1221790p1.html

Origin itself really doesn't bother me, but EA's tactics do, like shutting down servers for an online game 2 years after the game comes out, even though alot of people are still playing... just to push them to buy the new game (FIFA).

Banning players and not letting them play their games; imagine if Ford could 'kill' your car engine if you swore on their forums. Ridiculous yes, but precedent is king in our society, and dangerous.

The worst is having to be online as some sort of DRM, even if they say it's for multiplayer. I couldn't play Half Life 2 for a week after I bought it (and years of waiting and watching every movie and reading all news) because my internet was down. HL2 got cracked in what, 4 days? And legitmate customers got shafted for their failure of DRM.


Aug 10, 2002
wow guess i won't be buying this anymore. why do i need to be online to build a city, i could care less about others around me, i just want to build and wreck my own city.
i'll continue to play simcity 4 i guess

It makes it much more realistic if there are others around that you have to pay attention to.
Previous Sim City games had neighbours, this one is just making it more integral and important.

It does suck that it's required (for the people who don't want to play online), but it should make it a much better game in the long run.

If they made it similar to Spore, where your universe gets populated with stuff from other people's games if you let it, that would be the best solution.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
I like the multi-player aspect of this. But there will still be times when single player is necessary.

Big camping trip last summer. Guess who was playing sim city 4 on a laptop in the backseat during the drive? In 15 years, guess who isn't going to be playing sim city 5 on laptop in backseat?

Also, EA simply cannot be trusted. Without a shred of doubt simcity5 validation servers will be shutdown upon arrival of simcity6.

Can I buy this game and punch EA in the face at the same time? That's the only way I'm not going to feel disgusted with myself for buying it.