E6700 OEM and ClubIT


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2006
If anyone is interested I have gotten an Fedex Tracking # for my E6700 OEM chip from Club IT that I ordered this morning so I guess they actually did have them.

I am pairing it with an ASUS P5W DH motherboard, 2 gb Mushkin Redline, eVGA 7900GTX SC (Anyone have any luck with the MB with 2 in SLI using the hacked driver?) Soundblaster Fatality (SP) Soundcard and two RAID 0 Raptor 75gb drives 2 DVD Burners and and OCZ 600W PS with a Vapochill LS in a Lian Lan case.

As I understand the manual I am only able to set up a RAID 0 with two drives?

Any suggestions on OC would be greatly apprciated.