That depends on what your defenition of bottleneck is.. is it reducing the amount of maximum frames you get or the minimum framerate.
It might reduce a bit off the top but not the minimums. (For example some scenes can give 300 frames per second and some give less than 30). The 300+ is thanks to the cpu but the less than 30 is all GPU.
wondering if my CPU is bottling this setup. it's currently running 3.8hz and my vid is the gtx 285. Will I get better performance if I upgrade my cpu to say a 9650 or something i5.
Games that do well with quads (& more cache) will definitely benefit from an upgrade.
(Stuff like UT3 & many other UE3 games, L4D2, GTA4, Sup Com, etc.)
That said, i doubt you'll see a huge difference.
l4d2? .......Dosent that run on the Source engine?