What's the corrected power?
Assuming the gears give it the grin factor I'm looking for that should be the end of the line. If I have a desire for something with more power I'll buy someone else's project and let them take the depreciation hit. Gears are (I'm hoping) a cheap solution to this particular problem.
Viper GTS
I'm curious why you felt bored with the performance.
It just didn't feel as fun as 500 HP should. I mean its a quick car for sure but I just expected more. I really expected to be able to induce wheelspin essentially at will in 1st gear but it won't spin the tires at all from a roll. I can toss my mustang and throttle steer easily, this just won't do it with the factory 3.07 gearing.
Viper GTS
i know this might be stating the obvious but I have to ask, is there a button to disable traction control? because I can't fathom 500hp not being able to light up the tires.
either that, or you have some super sticky and fat tires
Traction control. :biggrin: It's a Viper dude!
Idk, lol. I figure all modern cars have them to please the lawyers...
Viper never had that option thankfully.
Are those speakers on the hood of the viper? Looks like it haha
Also was drooling at the dyno room. I hope mine turns out that nice when we get around to building it.