DVI-to-HDMI cable that passes audio for ATI DVI-I cards?


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I need a couple of these. Bought two from Newegg on sale, one review claimed that they passed audio for his NV card, but I recently tried one on a HD4850 reference card, and they won't pass audio.

Alternatively, I need a source for DVI-to-HDMI adapters that pass audio for ATI DVI cards like the HD4800 series. My two cards each came with one, but I seem to only have one left.

Cable is preferred over the adapter though.
May 27, 2008
You need a compatible DVI to HDMI adapter for certain ATI/AMD cards. This converter has an EDID chip in it to tell the TV/receiver it's an HDMI port. Nvidia puts this chip on the video card before the DVI port.

This one should work.

But first, check your playback devices under windows Control Panel > Sound.
You should have ATI/AMD HDMI audio or ATI/AMD SPDIF audio set as default.
And under Properties > Supported Formats you should have only DTS Audio and Dolby Digital checked. Select each format and run a test. If you don't hear sound then your cable doesn't support your ATI card.


If you don't see ATI/AMD audio listed under Control Panel > Sound then you will need to get the driver from AMD (Windows XP) or Realtek (Windows 7 & 8).
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Nov 22, 2008
You will be better off buying a $20 newer card with HDMI output. The DVI with audio look too be very complicated and proprietary and old, I would avoid dumping any more money into it.
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May 27, 2008
You will be better off buying a $20 newer card with HDMI output. The DVI with audio look too be very complicated and proprietary and old, I would avoid dumping any more money into it.


If you are just using the PC for HTPC duties a $10 (after rebate) HD 5450 will do everything you need. It'll use less power and be fan-less for no noise. And since the HDMI is built into the card it can do HD audio, while your 4850 will not.

For $34 (after rebate) you could opt for a HD 6450. A little better performance if you want to do post processing of your video.

However if you are also gaming then the HD 4850 is going to out perform both cards above. Your looking at maybe $70 for a R7 250 which will be a side grade in gaming to the HD 4850.
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Feb 6, 2002
When DVI is converted to HDMI it loses some quality in the conversion process. On the other hand stereo cables mini-jacks are kind of cheap.

I wonder what kind of audio is being passed through a DVI cable? It is probably not 5.1 digital or blu ray quality.
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Nov 20, 2005
When DVI is converted to HDMI it loses some quality in the conversion process.

No, its all digital. No significant signal loss.

I wonder what kind of audio is being passed through a DVI cable? It is probably not 5.1 digital or blu ray quality.

You can bitstream full DTS HD tracks (so Blu Ray quality) via DVI. I do it all the time. The GPU just has to support that.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
This isn't for HTPC usage. This is so I can connect my Q9300 quad-core rigs with the HD4850 cards to my 26" KDS LCD screens, using the HDMI port (and carrying audio), so that I can use the DVI input and the analog audio input with my other C2D rigs.

I ended up purchasing a pair of "ATI DVI to HDMI" adapters off of eBay. USA seller, under $5 ea shipped. I'll just have to live with the extra adapter sticking out of the back of the PC.

The PC is going into a desk cubby, so I didn't want the extra length of the adapter, but if I have to, I have to.

Edit: My 26" KDS LCD died this morning. Unsure if the video card killed it.
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