DVD+ vs. DVD-


Senior member
Apr 26, 2006
Hey guys anyone know how to properly burn a DVD+ disk?

i got a stack of 100 DVD+R and 5 of them failed

the DVD drive can read and write anything, yet whenever i write DVD+R the verification always fail.

it works fine on DVD-R

i've got also some DVD+R Double Layer, and now i'm hesitant to use it, until i know it can write properly to DVD+R single layer

i've tried Nero, and a bunch of other software

you have the option to set the Book Type, but there is no choice for DVD+

it only has Current, Automatic, or DVD-

any one has a clue? :t


Diamond Member
May 20, 2005
What files are you recording? Maybe DVD+R does not support file size/structure/name length but DVD-R does?


Thing is DVD+R is a different format with some advanced functions. Perhaps your files are "wrong".

Try recording a set of really regular files with normal sizes (few kb, few mb, and few hundred mb) and short names, without spaces, etc.
If these record fine then your problems may be a problem.

Your recorder might also be a problem, give +R disks to somebody else and see if they can record/verify it fine.

Lastly, very unlikely, entire stack of +R disks is bad.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
That particular model has a few issues that many have seen, and others complain about it, too.

It's finicky with media, and hates the crappy stuff. Some have gotten it work correctly with the proper IDE cable and setting to Cable Select. Others got it to work by switching to PIO mode. The latest firmware is 1.05, so that might help.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2006
DVD+ can record properly if i do small files back up etc, like pictures, saved games, documents, etc
but it fails when recording large video files of 300+ mb

it has the latest firmware and tried using all speeds, from slowest to fastest

it's not the DVD drive itself, because i know using some other brands of DVD drives that can do DVD+ also have problem recording to DVD+ disk
it's that format in special that it's a biatch

anyone know the restrictions or a good software that works good with DVD+ ?