
Junior Member
Mar 28, 2005
I am trying to burn a DVD with 1 hour TV shows that I got somewhere and are in .AVI format. There are approximately 3.5 MBs but when I put them in on the Roxio DVD builder with a small interactive menu they become 3.0 GBs. I know that the program is uncompressing them but at this rate, with 22 episodes a season, 7 seasons in total, being able to burn on 1 hour ep. to 1 4.7 GB DVD, thats like 150+ DVDs. Is there any way to fix this only losing minimal audio/video quality.



Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Well, first off I assume you mean 350MB's and not 3.5mb's as that would be a freaking tiny file for a whole TV episode (you aren't burning Stargate are you? just curious...)

Second I would not use Roxio to burn it, use something like Nero or any other free program (some do exist) as Roxio tends to freak out on burning DVD's, at least it always has with my machine.

And Third, if you are going to burn the shows in such a way that you can play them on a stand-alone DVD player (and not just in the AVI format) then expect to fit approx 4 episodes to a disc so you are still looking at 39ish DVD's. In reality a full-expanded show should come to a little over a gig (about three times the compressed avi format) and you should have 0 loss in audio and visual quality over the previous AVI. They will NEVER be as good as a purchased DVD of the series as those episodes were never compressed, but it should be close.

I hope that helped, sorry if I did not make any sense.



Golden Member
Mar 3, 2005
I don't think it's possible I'd just put them in AVI and watch them on your PC only


Junior Member
Mar 28, 2005
Thanks Spike,

I guess the whole converting numbers thing...... Not a math major!!!!

I will look for another program and try it again. 40 DVD's is a lot better sounding than 150.

And, as the name states, I am impaitent, they have only released 1 season on DVD and I can not wait for a few years for the others!!!!!!

Thanks agian,


Jan 4, 2001
You should be able to get 1.5-2 hours on a 4.7GB DVD and still get good quality; I do 1.5hrs on mine - 1 episode of MST3K each. :D

For shows I've recorded with my Hauppauge PVR-350, I use Ulead Videostudio to edit and encode them to DVD-compliant MPEG-2 with Dolby Digital audio.
For MST3K episodes I download (hey, most of them are not even available for sale at all), I use Virutaldub to flush them out to Huffyuv (lossless format), as some of the files have errors that Videostudio can't read past, but Virtualdub can. I clean up the audio, and then use Virtualdub to put the audio and video back together, maybe use a few filters to improve the video, and then use Videostudio to make a DVD compliant file again, and then burn it to a disc.
I get pretty good results that way - very-near-to-TV-quality on the stuff I record myself, and maybe VHS quality (SLP) for the downloaded stuff. Of course, the downloaded stuff has been resized to 480x360, with square pixels, rendered with 1990's quality codecs and PCs, heavily compressed, then finally resized again back to 720x480 non-square pixels and stashed on a DVD.
And with Videostudio, you can adjust the output bitrate until you get a file that's within 10MB of 4.7GB - I try to get very close, leaving maybe 2MB as space for a menu.


Senior member
Feb 15, 2003
it is very possible, i have done it for an entire season of my favorite program. I use TMPGEnc and TMPG DVD Author, DVDShrink if they come out too big from the re-encoding process, and Nero to burn. Its a time consuming process though. check out www.vcdhelp.com they have tutorials on conversions of all type of files into any other type. When it was all done I ended up with 13 1-hour epsisodes spanned across 3 dvd's. Probably could have even done 2. and the quality wasnt much worse than the video I started out from.


Junior Member
Mar 28, 2005
Thanks agian. I just found Nero so soon I will be ready to try agian.

The impaitence thing agian is killing me.

BTW is that steelers as in Pitsburg?

Raiders fan here so if it is....BOOO!!!!


Senior member
Aug 24, 2001
Here's another vote for vcdhelp.com. They have a wealth of information on this type of thing.