Duron 650@904 due to i/o voltage?


Senior member
May 18, 2000
This was odd. I was under the impression that the i/o voltage didnt really help in overclocking a system much. The only benifits I heard about where for those running the geforce2 cards that require a pretty clean line/source of power, and therefore are more stable at the 3.5 i/o voltage. I have a geforece2 mx, so i figured this didnt apply to me.

Well, I couldn't get my Duron past 880 - 888 without a hard freeze once windows loaded up. It was really bugging me because my cpu temps weren't running past 42-44c. Well to make a long story short, I push the I/O Volatge up to 3.5, and now i'm stable at 904(8x113 - THANK YOU Mushkin Infineon).

What does everyone think... Could this solely be due to a clener current at 3.5 voltage for the geforce2 card, even though it's an MX(although i do have it at 200core/210mem)?

And does the I/O volatge have anything to due with ram? As you can see its running at 146(113+33) cas2, and now i'm getting an outrageous ALU/FPU of 530/638 in sandras mem benches.

Any thoughts..


Senior member
Aug 12, 2000
As you are upping the FSB, this also slightly increses the speed of the PCI slots. Just like with your processor, a little extra juice for your cards can make a big difference when O/Cing. I tried upping mine to 3.4, but for some reason my SB Live card doesn't like it. I wonder if other Live! owners have had similar problems?


Senior member
May 18, 2000
Nope, just using the FSB plus option in the main Soft menu II area to raise the FSB and leave the PCI clk at 33. I'm going to try removing the sound card altogether next. It seems some sound cards arent working out to well with the overclocked/faster processors.

When i was first trying to overclock and trying for 950, i was getting a TBS montego pci error.
Maybe all the pci bus mastering and pci boosting options i have enabled in the bios are too much for the sound card to keep up with.

well, we'll see.

but hey, i cant complain about 650@904(113x8).. although it did lock up on me once last night... may have to drop back to 896(112x8), i think the 145 cas2 setting might be the limit for the ram.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2000
actually the mobo manual is wrong about that. using the FSB+ does still affect the FSB. check out Paul's Unofficial KT7 FAQ, they explain stuff really well there. Is your RAM set to Turbo? Dropping it to fast may help your stability if it is a memory limitation.